
Welcome back to Term 4!
During the last week of Term 3 we had fun with our whole school gem reward, "Crafternoon." There were lots of interesting creations made in this time. We also enjoyed Footy Day, our special lunch and we took part in the whole school production dress rehearsal. We also enjoyed the last session of our tennis clinic. All of the Foundation students are looking forward to the school production next week. Please keep an eye out on Compass for more information about production.
Over the next couple of weeks as part of our inquiry unit we will be looking at different fairy tales, comparing different versions of them and creating models based on them. During writing sessions, we will be learning about procedural texts and creating our own based upon our models. We will continue our Jolly Phonics work with a focus on 'wh' this week.
Over the next two weeks we will be looking at collecting data, organising objects according to their attributes and exploring different ways of representing data. The students have really enjoyed working with a partner to group objects based on different elements such as colour, shape, texture, size and use. It has been fantastic seeing all of the wonderful discussions around the different features.
We continue to work on developing relationship skills and solving problems with the Foundation students during our weekly lessons. The Foundation students have become more confident at recognising if something is a big/little problem and they are having a go at solving problems themselves. Friendology Club continues to be a highlight for many of our students.
In Week 4 we will be taking part in a swimming program at Aquanation. Please see Compass for more information. It's really important that the Foundation students are confident at getting themselves dry and dressed independently as we are unable to have parent helper assisntance in the change rooms.
It's going to be a very busy term! We cannot believe how fast the year is going and the amount of growth in our Foundation students already.