Student and Community Learning and Wellbeing

Diwali and Multicultural Assembly
Dear Parents,
We are asking if any of our students are interested in performing / dancing or speaking at our Diwali and Multicultural assembly celebration on Friday, the 25th of October. Last year, we had a group of students in a cultural dress dance, and others spoke about their culture. These students can be from any year level. If your child is interested in performing or presenting at this assembly, please email Mrs Kim Holmes via the school email address: or call the school.
Mensa update
If you are a parent or group of parents interested in beginning a local Mensa catch-up group, I am interested in hearing from you. The group would -
- Bring like-minded children together to make friendships and connections in a local place.
- Allow students to play and interact with others like themselves.
- Allow parents to chat with other parents about the challenges of supporting a gifted and highly able child.
Please email Kim Holmes at
To book this seminar please visit The Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children's website/seminars and events
Website -
Event website -