Principals' Page

Anita Elliott, Lou Corso & Marcus Leonard

Welcome Back!

A very warm welcome back to our school community after the Term 3 break. I trust that everyone who had time off is suitably refreshed and re-invigorated for the events and happenings of Term 4 starting with our School Production this Monday and Tuesday night. The students have been rehearsing for this most of Term 3 and I know they are all very excited and slightly nervous. Thank you to Emma and her production team for the time and effort that has gone into this production.

We look forward to being able to show case the students learning and share this evening with families. To help your children to be at their best for the performance, it is important they have a meal before attending the evening session and send them with a named water bottle.


In addition to these achievements, we have many exciting events coming up: the Level 5 & 6 camp, swimming programs for Foundation to Level 5, the Level 2 late stay, the Foundation Transition Program, Fire Education for Foundation students, the Twilight Christmas Concert, a Colour Run Day, and more. We’ll certainly be busy!


Term 4 marks the start of our preparation for 2025. One of our major considerations is the creation of classes to support the learning of our students. It is at this time that we ask that you let us know if your children (other than Year 6) will be leaving HEPS and attending another school in 2025.

We also provide an opportunity for you to email Anita through the school email address if you feel there is any specific information about your child's learning or social needs that you believe the school may not be aware of. Such information should not include a request for a particular teacher or student. The information should be provided in writing (letter or email) to the Principal by November 1st. This information will be referenced, along with other available information, during the class placement process.

Whole School Focus : Growth

During Term 4 our whole school focus shifts to growth.   At HEPS we value student growth in all areas of school life be that academic, social and personal.  We believe all of our students can make growth across the curriculum and our teaching staff and leaders will be spending a lot of time this term looking at student data and assessing what our students have achieved. We also believe in social and personal growth, providing many opportunities for our students to move out of their comfort zones.  The whole school production is an opportunity for all our students to demonstrate this, as well as the Level 5 and 6 camp.   You will hear lots more about growth in upcoming assemblies and newsletters.


This term we will be raising the profile of Friendology again.  Friendology is an element of our HEPS Wellbeing program that focuses on teaching our students the skills to build relationships.  Our teachers will be using more of the friendology language in their classrooms this term so please ask your children about it when they come home from school.


Sporting Achievement - Congratulations Caleb, Angus, Volleyball and Hoop Time Basketball  teams

Congratulations to all our students who participated in the Divisional Athletics today. Well done to Caleb W (pictured) for finishing 4th in the Triple jump and Angus B on also finishing 4th in High Jump.

Congratulations also to our Volleyball team for advancing to the Division level and to our Senior Hoop Time team for reaching Regionals—good luck next week! 

Working Bee

Thank you to all the parents who participated in last Term's working bee. We had another fantastic turnout and accomplished several important tasks, including painting the gaga pit, pergola, and Sandland (the sandpit area). In addition, we weeded many of our garden beds and prepared the veggie garden for spring planting. The children (and adults) were rewarded for their hard work with a well-deserved BBQ and ice cream, which they thoroughly enjoyed.


SunSmart Policy – Hats

This is a reminder that our SunSmart Policy is now in effect for the remainder of 2024. All students must wear a sun protective hat that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities as per image. At Recess and Lunch, students who are not wearing an approved hat will remain in the undercover area. Please make sure hats are clearly named.

HEPS Clubs

Lunchtime clubs will continue in Term 4. These clubs are open to all students across the school, however, there may be limited spots in some clubs due to limited resources or space. Our students will be given a reminder by their classroom teacher when clubs will be running. We hope to support all students in accessing these clubs and further developing their social skills and friendships through meaningful and practical experiences.

How do we assess students?



Teachers assess your child in many ways. It is not possible to explain everyway in a short newsletter piece about the different assessments that teachers conduct. However, it is important to note that analysing and evaluating a range of data is the critical first step for teachers when planning what the students need to be learning.


The school has a range of formal assessments for Reading including Essential Assessment, Progressive Achievement Test (PAT) and Fountas and Pinnell reading level, Writing including writing rubrics and regular moderation) and Numeracy such as Essential Assessment, PAT Maths, and moderated maths tasks. This information provides the information that teachers need to ensure that students are completing ‘just right’ tasks in class – not too easy and not too difficult. It also assists in placing students at the level that you see on their semester reports.


Alongside the formal assessments described above, teachers are constantly assessing students informally. This is most common when they are working with small groups of similar ability students, explicitly teaching and supporting them, whilst also gaining a greater understanding of where their learning is at… and where to next. Teachers also meet weekly to moderate cohort data including writing samples and analysing test results together.


Next time you walk in or past a classroom, you will most likely see the teacher working with an individual or small groups of students – not only are they teaching the students, but they are also assessing what the students can say, write and do.