Level 6

We're a great mix in Level 6!

Welcome back to another brilliant term. We cannot believe it is already Term 4! The year has raced by. This term we have a lot of fun and exciting things happening in Level 6, so keep an eye out on Compass and the newsletter in the coming weeks. 

Important reminder - Hats

As the weather is starting to get warmer (hooray), students must now wear a hat when outdoors. Please check with your child that they have their hat and if they do not, you will need to purchase one for them to wear. It is important that we teach the children about being sun smart! 

Inquiry Expo - Term 3

It was magnificent to see so many families attend our Level 6 Travel Expo at the end of last term. The students put a lot of hard work into their websites and brochures and it was tremendous to see their presentations. The students had a blast, presenting their country information to different people and sharing what they had been working on during the term. Thank you to those families who took the time to attend! 


Term 4 Scrapbooks

In Term 4 students will complete a writing project called Reflections of Primary School.


Each week, students will write about a year of their primary school journey using a different writing genre. This will take a total of seven weeks (one week for each grade level and genre). 


In the last few weeks of term, we will put all of the published writing pieces together with photos and decorations into a dedicated scrapbook. This will become a keepsake that students will treasure about their time at HEPS.


The writing genres to be used are Recount, Procedure, Persuasive, Letter, Expository, Poetry and Narrative. 


We would like all of our Level 6 students to purchase a scrapbook to create their Reflections of Primary School. These can be found in Big W and Kmart for $9. (They are more expensive in art shops). Students can bring some scrapbooking supplies to school, as well as photos to add to their scrapbooks. 


This information has been communicated via a paper notice that was sent home last term and Compass posts. 


This term, the Level 6s will be doing a novel study during reading lessons. We are studying the text 'Once' by Morris Gleitzman. We will be exploring characters, conflicts and themes in this novel. We are excited to see how the unit progresses! 


Just a note to remind parents that if your child is away at all, even for part of the day, to please log this in Compass and provide a reason for their absence. Absences must be recorded and a reason needs to be provided by parents. If you are not sure how to do this, please don't hesitate to speak to your child's teacher and they can help you out. 

Late arrival/early pickup

If your child is late to school, they must be signed in at the office kiosk. If you are picking them up early, they must be signed out of the office kiosk. This is to ensure that all student attendance is recorded correctly. 


Looking ahead

Monday 14th October - Whole School Production Day - Students are required to wear their costume to school on the day. Buses will leave at 9am sharp!

Monday 14th October - A - L Production evening (Check Compass for more information)

Tuesday 15th October - M - Z Production evening (Check Compass for more information)