Level 4

Welcome back to school!
During the final days of Term 3, students embraced the change to their normal routine. They revised many concepts learnt in Term 3 and shared their Inquiry presentations with their peers. There was a Footy day lunch to be enjoyed and a whole school dress rehearsal for Production. It was not lost on our students that next year they will have a chance to audition and be a part of the Production adventure in level 5.
This week, students have started TUNING IN to our Inquiry topic of DISCOVERY. You may be having lots of conversations about friction and shoes. We apologise in advance for the unofficial experiments being conducted at home. However, we are equally excited that your children are engaged in their learning and sharing it with you at home.
Students have started focusing on writing well structured, well thought out paragraphs. We know that if students can think about something, they can say it, and then they can write it. Working with their peers to improve their ideas is always a popular activity in the level 4 classrooms.
This week students started sharing their prior knowledge on Division and are moving on to learning different strategies to divide. We will have more work to share in the next newsletter.
Things to remember:
- Whole school Production Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October
- Swimming consent is due this Thursday (10th October) via Compass
- Science Incursion payment is due by Wednesday 16th October via Compass
Please make sure all Compass permissions have been completed on time to avoid disappointment. Thank you in advance!