Student Action Teams

Empowering Students with Action: A Look at Our Student Action Teams
At GRPS, we believe that every student should have a voice in shaping their school environment. This year, we took a significant step toward making that belief a reality by launching our Student Action Teams. This initiative invites students to tackle real issues within our community, research solutions, and take meaningful action. Guided by Miss Roberts, Mrs Maxwell, and Miss Edmondson, a dedicated group of Year 4 and 5 students embarked on this exciting journey, and their efforts have been truly inspiring.
Brology Student Action Team: Fostering Respect
One of the projects from this initiative was the work of the Brology Student Action Team. Concerned about the way boys interacted in the yard, particularly the trend of ‘roasting’ or teasing, this team sought to promote mutual respect and positive communication. To tackle this issue, they held Brology sessions every Thursday lunchtime with a group of Year 5 boys. These sessions were designed to build connections through games and shared experiences, aiming to foster an environment where respect and kindness are the norms. The initiative was well-received, with participants enjoying both the activities and the valuable lessons in respectful interaction.
Drama Student Action Team: Turning Drama into Fun
Another remarkable team, the Drama Student Action Team, addressed a different concern – the surplus of unnecessary drama in the yard. Noting that some students were spending too much time idly chatting or engaging in unproductive behaviour, the team created ‘The No Drama Llama Club.’ Their mission was to keep students engaged, reduce drama, and teach essential skills such as teamwork and problem-solving. The team organised a variety of fun activities for Year 4 students during lunchtime, including tug of war, keepy uppy, and chocolate river. The results were impressive: students were actively participating, learning valuable skills, and enjoying themselves immensely.
Diversity Student Action Team: It is Good to be Different
An incredibly passionate group of students had many in tears at assembly late in Term 3, when they showcased their video to promote diversity at GRPS. This team’s mission was to firstly teach students about what diversity is, relating mainly to neurodiversity and students with medical illness or conditions. To do this they visited each classroom and read a book about diversity and then asked students if anyone was brave enough to star in a video by talking about how they believe they are diverse. After many weeks of preparation and script writing, the team filmed and interviewed students and then enlisted Mr G to help with editing to create an incredibly moving video. They worked beautifully together and should be incredibly proud of the final product.
These Student Action Teams have demonstrated the power of student-driven initiatives in creating a positive and supportive school environment. By addressing real issues and implementing creative solutions, they’ve made a significant impact on our community. We’re incredibly proud of their achievements and excited to see how future teams will continue to drive positive change at GRPS.
From our future leaders
‘I loved having the opportunity to work in a group setting and the training was really fun.’ Ella
‘I loved learning how to be proactive and how to talk to other people about problems.’ Raissa
‘I love how everyone is included in helping.’ Sofia
‘I liked talking with students with diversity and learning about them.’ Rosie
‘I thought the student action team was fun because there were professionals teaching us.’ Annie
‘I like being able to run a group and being part of a team that helps improve the school.’ Thomas
‘I loved being part of the student action team because I believe in the value of student voice!’ Oscar
‘I liked the student action team because we got to work in fun groups and we made a really fun video which was funny.’ Felix
‘What I like about the student action teams is being able to have the opportunity to help the school and make action plans to improve the school. I also liked the groups and how we all had different focusses.’ Gemma
‘I liked working in a group and using teamwork.’ Veronica
‘I liked meeting new people and doing new things.’ Yvette
‘Our boss is amazing. She’s called Kate. I’m in the ‘Diversity’ group and it was amazing. 10/10 5 stars!’ Louie
‘The student action team made my confidence grow.’ Aadhi
‘I really liked making the diversity video. I felt like it helped a lot of people now think that it’s ok to be themselves. Being different is a good thing.’ Katie
‘I like the student action team because we could make a difference.’ Aurora