Year 1/2 Inquiry

This term students have done several experiments whilst learning about science that people use in their everyday jobs. One of the experiments the students had a lot of fun with was colour mixing. We learnt that hairdressers have to know the science behind how to mix colours to dye people’s hair. We did an experiment with milk and food dye with a drop of dish washing liquid and watched the colour magic happen.
Please enjoy looking at some photos from one of the experiments.
Some students may like to try the experiment under supervision in the holidays.
Coloured Food Dye Experiment with an adult supervisor
Equipment: Milk, bowl, food dye, dish soap and cotton tip.
1. Pour about 3 cm of milk into bowl.
2. Add food dye around the dish, one drop at a time.
3. Dip the cotton tip in dish soap (you don’t need much).
4. Start to move the cotton tip around the bowl and watch the colour magic happen!
Kind regards,
Kate Matthews
P - 2 Inquiry Teacher