Around The School

Thank You Eleni!

The students gave Eleni a very special welcome as she arrived for her celebration morning tea this morning.  It is clear how valued Eleni is by our entire school community.

Year 4 Poetry Writing

The year 4 students have been working on publishing our Poetry in writing this week. We hope you enjoy reading some of the poems we came up with. 


The Gr 5 STEAM students have been designing, creating and trialling a chariot that is powered by a Dot and Dash. We had a chariot race down the corridor once the chariots were finished. 

The Grade 6 STEAM students continued to build on the food architecture they had been creating in Art and used jubes, mini marshmallows, tooth picks and skewers to construct a bridge in a team of 7 and a tower in pairs or groups of 3. The tallest tower was 60cm and the shortest was 23cm with a 12 minute time limit. All the STEAM students agreed this was their most delicious STEAM lesson so far!

Immigration Museum Excursion

The year 4 students had a great day at the Immigration Museum on Tuesday. They explored a range of artefacts and learnt all about different people and their experiences of coming to Australia. A morning of learning was followed by lunch on Southbank before heading back to school. A big thank you to our parent helpers for coming along to share this experience and lend us a helping hand.








Colour Run

Thank you to our SRC for organising such a fun Colour Run for us all on Friday.  A special thank you to Rob Stephenson for organising the Box Hill Fire Brigade to come along and spray the students, to Team Kids for supplying Zooper Doopers for everyone to enjoy as well as to Pip for creating some amazing obstacles and for her help behind the scenes.  

2023 Maths Olympiad 

The Junior Division Olympiad (Division J) is specifically designed to stimulate and challenge students at the primary school level. It teaches essential problem solving strategies and strengthens students’ mathematical intuition prior to starting high school. 

The main aims of the program are to: 

  • Introduce students to important mathematical concepts. 
  • Teach major strategies and develop flexibility for problem solving. 
  • Foster creativity and ingenuity and strengthen intuition. 
  • Stimulate enthusiasm and enjoyment of mathematics. 
  • Provide the satisfaction, joy and thrill of meeting challenges. 

This year selected students in Years 3 to 6 took part in the Olympiad and it was fantastic to see the progress each student made throughout the year.  

I would like to acknowledge all of the students who took part, these problems are not easy and require creativity, reasoning and high-level problem solving ability. This years winners were:

Year 3 and 4

Max Andretta 34LMNolan Shao 4MR

Harvey Cheng 4LP


Year 3 and 4 Special Achievement, for those students who showed determination, perseverance and a growth mindset throughout:

Jun Kuik 3MP

Paul li 4LP


Year 5

Kingsley Wang 5LT

Zac Yong 5LT

Wenda Hu 5LT

Ryu Kuik 5LT


Year 6

Aryan Sethi 6NH

Agnes Bryan 6NH

Issac Cheung  6MC


The school overall winner was Kingsley Wang - an amazing effort.   Well done Kingsley on applying yourself, working hard and showing commitment to your learning. 


The following students were amongst the top performers in the Australia and New Zealand competition.


Top 10%

Kingsley Wang

Aryan Sethi

Zac Yong 


Top 25%

Chloe Wang 5AK

Chloe Wang 5LT

Wenda Hu 5LT

Ryu Kuik 5LT

Aiden Deng 5AK

Lucas Tan 5NT