From the Principal

Dear Blue Mountains Grammar School Community,


In an era of instant gratification and countless distractions, the art of working long and hard to achieve something significant is slowly fading away. The prevailing culture of immediate results and constant stimulation often overshadows the value of sticking with a task, solving problems persistently, and trying different approaches over an extended period. We recognise this at our school, and we also recognise the importance of developing these capabilities in our students, as they are not only critical for personal growth but also lead to academic and social success.


You will know that there are very few things in life that, if worthwhile, are easily accessed. Most of us have had to work hard to gain our qualifications, buy a house, develop a meaningful relationship or save for that holiday of a lifetime. Being patient, sacrificing immediate pleasure for long-term gain, and staying focused on why the work is worth it is something that most of us appreciate. However, research shows that our children are becoming less willing to hang in there for less long - but it is not entirely their fault.


The "quick fix" mindset that is prevalent today has created a perception that success should come effortlessly and rapidly. However, research from numerous educational and psychological studies highlights the undeniable benefits of developing persistence, relentlessness, and patience in young individuals. Few realise that, before stardom, stars like Tiger Woods have hit hundreds of thousands of golf balls to reach celebrity status.


Nothing comes easily, and it rarely happens overnight. 


But why should this bother us? Well, it is shown to have an influence on student engagement in learning and also impacting on most aspects of life, including long-term employment, mental and physical well-being and close relationships. 


So, our focus on focusing on the end goal as a way of staying motivated is informed by the following benefits: 


Academic Achievement:

Studies have shown that students who persist through challenges perform better academically. They understand that authentic learning often requires time, effort, and repeated attempts. This mindset shift fosters resilience, the ability to adapt, and a deeper understanding of the subjects they study. As a result, these students are more likely to excel in their academic pursuits, scoring higher grades and achieving their long-term goals.


Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence:

The value of persistence, relentlessness, and patience extends beyond academics. These qualities also play a pivotal role in developing strong social skills and emotional intelligence. Students who learn to persist in interacting with peers and adults often forge more meaningful relationships. They are better equipped to handle disagreements, empathise with others, and contribute positively to their communities.


Building Character:

At Blue Mountains Grammar School, education extends beyond textbooks and classrooms. It encompasses the development of character and life skills. Teaching our students the importance of perseverance and patience empowers them to face life's challenges with confidence and resilience. They become more self-reliant, resourceful, and better prepared for the complexities of adulthood.


Reimagining Learning at BMGS:

As a school, we are reimagining our approach to education to ensure that our young people are equipped with the essential skills of persistence, relentlessness, and patience. Our team of educators are incorporating these values into their teaching methods, encouraging students to tackle complex problems and embrace failure as an opportunity for growth. We are fostering an environment where learning is a journey, not just a destination.


Working long and hard to achieve something valuable is still relevant and is likely always to be the case. Research consistently shows that students who develop persistence, relentlessness, and patience excel academically and socially. At Blue Mountains Grammar School, we are embracing these principles and integrating them into our educational approach. Together, we are shaping resilient, adaptable, and successful individuals who will make a positive impact on our world.


And there is plenty of research to support it. If you haven't watched the Angela Duckworth TED Talk on Grit, grab yourself a beverage and a snack and enjoy the next 20 minutes as you remember the truth in what she says. Her talk can be found by clicking on this link:


Some further interesting insights into the value of growing and realising a long-term plan include:

  1. "In a study conducted by Angela Duckworth, author of 'Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,' it was found that students with higher levels of grit – defined as a combination of passion and persistence – outperformed their peers in academic achievement."
  2. "According to a report by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, students who demonstrate patience and resilience by persevering through challenges during high school tend to have higher university acceptance rates and are more likely to complete their degrees."
  3. "Psychologist Carol Dweck, renowned for her work on the 'growth mindset,' emphasises that students who believe in the power of effort and hard work are more likely to excel in their studies. Dweck's research highlights the importance of cultivating a mindset that values persistence."

This reminds me of the importance of partnering with our community to grow our young people in ways that equip them for a life worth living.


Steven Coote 
