Casper & Alternatives

New Aptitude Test as Alternative to the Casper

If you want to study an initial teacher education program at La Trobe, our AFTA is a free and on-demand alternative to the CASPer test. La Trobe University has developed the Aptitude for Teaching Assessment (AFTA).  Approved by the Victorian Institute of Teaching, it is a non-cognitive scenario-based aptitude test that students can use as an alternative to the CASPer test. 


Please note: It can only be used for entry into initial teaching education programs at La Trobe.



 Casper Test Reimbursement

Do you have a student intending to study Teaching at Deakin in 2024?  If they have sat the Casper test and receive an offer to Deakin, they will be eligible for a reimbursement of the cost of this test.


Payment Amount

$80 - to be made after student commences at Deakin in Trimester 1 2024.


The payment is open to Deakin education students who have accepted their offer into an initial teacher education degree and enrolled to start studies in 2024 in a course that requires the Casper test as an entry requirement.  Deakin will identify and communicate directly with students at the point of admission.  Find out more at The Casper test | Deakin.