Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 5 | ||
Prep L | Edgar | for being a collaborative and caring classmate of Prep L! Edgar is a great example of treating others the way you would like to be treated. He is always using his manners, giving encouraging words and helping those in need. Well done Edgar you are a fabulous role model. |
Prep N | Myra | For being a motivated learner who has embraced our engagement continuum and is using it to help herself make good choices for her learning. Myra is showing her ability to invest in her learning by using a white board to attempt unknown words using her letter sound knowledge before writing in her book. Great work, Myra. |
1/2C | Chloe | For being a reflective learner who reads back her writing, scans for errors and edits to make improvements. Chloe has also started using her sight card to spell high frequency words correctly. Her writing is always presented neatly, using the dotted thirds correctly. Keep up the fantastic work! |
1/2S | AUDREY | For being a reflective learner who responded to her teacher's feedback on some improvements to her writing. She was determined to use this advice to take her writing to the next level. Well done Audrey on being responsive in your learning! |
1/2JA | Meron | For being a motivated learner this week. Meron used her class time effectively to finish all her work on time. She has been actively participating in class discussions and attempting all learning tasks, even if they are challenging. Keep up the fabulous work habits Meron! |
3/4SL | Erika | For being a reflective learner who identifies and addresses her challenges by setting goals and achieving them successfully. Keep up the great learning, Erika! |
3/4O | Charlotte | For being a motivated learner who has embraced the writing process with her ‘Fox’ inspired narrative. After writing her draft, Charlotte checked that her writing made sense before seeking feedback. She then used this to revise and edit her work, resulting in a creative and exciting narrative! Keep driving your learning Charlotte! |
3/4S | Ryan | For being a creative learner in his Fox inspired narrative. Ryan has worked hard to follow the same structure as Margaret Wild and bring his creative ideas to life in his spooky story. |
5/6AN | Ira | For being a resilient learner, who has settled straight back into learning at SMDP. So glad to have you back and hearing all your cultural stories that you are sharing with us. Keep working hard and motivated with your learning. |
5/6K | Marcell | For being a motivated learner in Reading this week. You effectively researched about refugees migrating from South Sudan. You considered what their motivations were and what their experience might have been like. Keep up this motivated attitude towards your learning! |
5/6S | Finlay | For being a resilient learner, settling back in to life at SMDP after your amazing European trip with your family! We have enjoyed seeing and hearing about your experiences. You are coping well with having a school routine again. I really like the way you are linking your trip to our Inquiry history project! Please keep working hard and never giving up Finlay! |
Nick (PE) | Jonathan | For being a motivated learner in our cricket lesson. You showed great determination to stay in when batting and made plenty of runs for your team's total. Keep up the focussed learning in our PE lessons. Nick |
Julie (Sustain ability) | Marcell | For creating a meditation garden that included native plants that are more sustainable. He was focused on the benefits of having relaxing music and a quiet space in harmony with nature. Fantastic effort. |
Week 6 | ||
Prep L | Anika | For being a motivated learner in Writing. Anika has been taking her writing to the next level by creating entertaining narratives. She has been experimenting with dialogue, descriptive language and having a go at editing her own writing. Well done Anika, you should be so proud of your achievements! |
Prep N | Louis | For being a collaborative learner who makes everyone feel valued and included in our Learning community. Louis often uses his knowledge of letter-sounds and spelling patterns to support others to write better. He is never too busy to help others. Great leadership Louis! |
1/2C | Rishon | For being a creative learner during writing sessions this week. Rishon was able to write an exciting narrative with imaginative ideas to make the reader infer and want to read on. Rishon was able to build suspense and use dramatic language. Your narratives are always a pleasure to read. Well done Rishon. |
1/2S | Hartlyn | For being a collaborative learner who makes everyone feel welcome, included and valued in our classroom community. She never hesitates to help and support those around her, always willing to lend a helping hand. Thank you, Hartlyn, for making our classroom a safe and positive space to learn. |
1/2JA | Akira | For being a motivated learner who always displays a positive attitude towards learning and is a great role model for her peers. She is a self driven learner who tackles challenging tasks with enthusiasm and determination. Keep up the great work habits Akira! |
3/4SL | Xavier | For being a resilient learner who always demonstrates a growth mindset and positive attitude, even in the face of challenge. He is a shining example of persisting through challenging tasks by achieving goals he has set for himself. Keep up the effective learning, Xavier! |
3/4O | Sofia C | For being a reflective learner who is motivated to improve in mathematics. Sofia invests in her learning by attempting all division problems, sharing her strategies during number talks, and seeking teacher feedback. Keep investing in your learning, Sofia! |
3/4S | Sophia P | For being a collaborative learner who is a supportive member of our classroom community. Sophia is always willing to help and support others, making our classroom a great place to be. Well Done Sophia. |
5/6AN | Rose | For being a creative learner, when researching your History question for your Inquiry project. You have approached your research with enthusiasm and interest. We are looking forward to seeing your end product. Keep investing in your learning, Rose. |
5/6K | Mila | For being a motivated learner who drove your learning last week. You used the tools available in the classroom to help you stay on track and to complete your learning tasks within the allocated time. Keep up this fantastic and focussed attitude to your learning Mila. |
5/6S | Yvonne | For being a motivated learner, who approaches tasks with positivity and enthusiasm! You can set goals for yourself and effectively drive your learning. You are a fun, engaging member of our class, who can work well both independently and collaboratively. Please keep being motivated Yvonne! |