Parents' voice

Thank you!

Thank-you to all of our bakers, cake stall and BBQ volunteers who helped to make the weekend’s fundraising event successful for CJC.  Together, we sold a sausage to ever second voter and, in the process, made a profit of ~$4000 which will be used to install a new drinking fountain and bottle filler for our students. The PC was also grateful to have the support of the School’s leadership – special thanks to Mr Chant, Ms. Barclay and Mrs. Pommier for their help on the day and the office team for assistance with the cake stall. A big thank you is also due to the Hoban family and Gamekeeper’s Meats who generously donated the quality beef sausages to the BBQ. Finally, not to forget the 2ndHand Uniform stall team who also raised $915 for the school in their sale last Friday. 


A final thank you to all of our stall and BBQ volunteers on Saturday: Marcella Wilder and Julia Yuncken (Dual Cake-Stall Coordinators), Martine Inge, Marni Baker, Daniel Carter, Shani-Weiss-Tzur, Severine Zaleski, Caroline Le Goff, Blake Ferguson, Marc Warshall, Marine Ors, Gustavo Krapf, Belinda Hofmeyr, Sam Krinsky, Tahli Shepherd, Rachael Hart, Maud Rocher Vangedes, Amit Doron, Tim Hall, Jose Alonso, Halford Family, Dani Goldman, Sophie Cohen, Vanessa Sorensen, Nadeah Miranda, Steven Green, Kate Bransford and Arvind Chandran. 


DIWALI, Friday 27 October: Next Friday we will celebrate Diwali at CJC with the ever-popular Samosas, Indian Sweets, dancing, Mandala drawing and new for 2023, Heena painting.  We need some volunteers on Thursday to assist us with getting our decorations ready, and some additional help on Friday to sell Samosa and Indian sweets.  Please sign up here:


End of Year Party & Silent Auction Update, 1 December

The End of Year Party is only 6 weeks away!  The rides have been booked (yes you heard it – RIDES), theme decided upon, and ticket sales will start shortly. We will also hold a silent auction in conjunction with EFM to raise funds for the School. In 2022, the silent auction raised $6000 for CJC (our biggest annual fundraiser) and the profits were used to partly fund the new playground along Stanley Street.  We need some additional help to make the auction bigger and better in 2023. 


End of Year Party & Silent Auction Update, 1 December – UPDATE AND REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE

The End of Year Party is only 6 weeks away!  The rides have been booked (yes you heard it – RIDES), theme decided upon, and ticket sales will start shortly. We will also hold a silent auction in conjunction with EFM to raise funds for the School. In 2022, the silent auction raised $6000 for CJC (our biggest annual fundraiser) and the profits were used to partly fund the new playground along Stanley Street.  We need some additional help to make the auction bigger and better in 2023. 


Silent Auction Donations Lead:  To make the auction successful, we need your help to proactively source, track and coordinate silent auction and raffle donations.  We have an existing database to work from but would also like to see new contributors- so reaching out to networks, bravely ask your friends, family and places you visit for a donation for the benefit of the school students.    Effort can be done flexibly, mostly online and a few hours a week until 1 December. 


Auction Donations:  If you have something that you could donate for the auction please get in touch…Food, sweets, gift voucher, drinks, art works, gym class passes, professional or artistic services, use of a holiday house, meal at a cafe or restaurant, lawnmowing/gardening services, babysitting, etc… 


End of Year Party – Bar for Adults - Looking for volunteers – FREE RSA training provided

The School’s leadership and Council have approved having a bar at the EOYP. This is the first time we have aimed to have a bar at a School function in many years as it’s not the easiest to pull off.  This is a great opportunity not only for fundraising, but to allow our community to enjoy a beer, wine or cider in a beer garden while socialising with other parents.  To be able to make this bar a reality we will need volunteers that have a Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate (RSA). The Parent’s Committee has agreed to fund this for anyone who wishes to volunteer and commits to at least 1 x 1hr shift on Friday the 1st December (date of the party). This free RSA training offer is also open to any immediate CJC family member over 18 years of age. Remember an RSA lasts 1 year, and can be used for all forms of employment. Spots are limited and the date of the training will be Sunday 26th November at CJC. 

*Please get in touch with Marc Warshall from 1/2A on +61412389954 if you are interested or would like to know more* 


Term 4 Treats Roster:  In term 4, icy poles ($2) and pains from Reverie Café ($4) will be for sale. Sales of icy poles will be weather dependent.  







A reminder to have your Working With Children Check if you wish to volunteer at the school. Applying is free:


You can contact us with ideas or support at To become a PC member please join here: PC Membership Form


Amy Pate – President, Rachael Hart – Secretary, Anne-Sophie Aguado – Treasurer and Martine Inge – Head Convenor.