In the Classroom




Students in years 3-6 have had an opportunity to consolidate their developing appreciation of the key geographical concepts of place, change, connections and environment. They have done this by engaging with Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins’ picture book, My Place. Students have focused on the history of one particular piece of land in Sydney from 1788 to 1988 through the stories of the various children who have lived there. They have discussed environmental change, land use, settlement patterns, multiculturalism and Indigenous concepts of country. 


We discussed the way maps are used in My Place, and each student drew a map of their own place. They were asked to include only the features that were important to them – For example, their home, school, parks, landmarks, sports fields, where their friends and family live, etc. Students didn't need to worry about scale, but to use symbols, shading and colour to communicate their ideas. The students enthusiastically embraced the task, and created a short presentation for their peers last week.

Transition - Year 6 Cooperative Games

Last Thursday, the students discussed and practiced what team work looks like, sounds like and feels like. They took part in a games that highlighted the importance of listening, talking, encouraging and working together. The first game played was The Connections Game where in pairs the students had to hold a straw between their palms, whilst moving around the classroom, standing and kneeling. The second game was Threading the Hoop. In this game the students had to hold hands in a circle and pass the hoop around the circle. The last game played was Pass the Water where in teams the students had to pass a spoon of water to each team member before placing the water into a cup. The aim of the game was to spill the least amount of water as possible. The students had a lot of fun and realised the importance of talking and helping each other and finding effective ways to work together. 

The students had another lesson discussing emotions. In this lesson the students played various games to discuss what emotions look like and sound like. At the end of the lesson they created some of their own lyrics to the song "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands". Enjoy!