Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

This week, today actually my eldest daughter finished her last HSC exam!  I am struggling with the whole concept a little; yes very happy to be entering another chapter but it has just happened so quickly..... a timely reminder as to just how quickly a school education flies by and how we need to make sure we make the most of every day!!


Loved the Halloween costumes and activities that we had yesterday - it was so much fun! We have some very kooky and crazy students (and staff) at this school. Some played their character a little too well. Spooky!


Year 6 Check In Assessment Data 

It was very pleasing to open the Check In Assessment results last term to see how our Year 6 cohort performed against the rest of the state that sat the assessments. 

More often than not we aren’t able to disclose the results of assessment data due to privacy for the students involved as often we don’t have enough of a cohort to de-identify the individual students.  

In this case, I have sought permission from parents/carers and the students themselves before publishing this article as even though each individual can’t be identified – it is only down to two students! (Who both should be very proud of their results and the hard work they have put in to achieve these results) 


Literacy: Vocabulary, comprehension and processes 



A brief summary of the data:  

In Literacy, as a Year 6 cohort at Niangala Public School, the average was 76.3%. 

Our Year 6 students are performing 29.9% higher compared to other statistically similar schools (SSSG) and 18.9% higher compared to other Year 6 cohorts in the state. 



Numeracy: Statistics and probability, measurement and geometry and number sense and algebra. 



In Numeracy, our Year 6 cohort averaged 90%. 

Our Year 6 students are performing 39.1% higher compared to other statistically similar schools (SSSG) and 26.5% higher compared to other Year 6 cohorts across the state. 


As a teaching staff, we go on to drill down into this data and look at the areas in which the students need further development of skills and look at what is working well for the students and teachers. We use this information in triangulation with other data we have collected to then collaboratively plan and program the future teaching for the students. 

Years 3 & 5 have sat their Check In Assessments too, we are just waiting for all the results to be collated. 


Happy November everyone!!

Only 55 days until Christmas.


Mrs Crawford