Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
TA very big welcome back to Term 4. We have hit the ground running, with lots of exciting learning opportunities and events happening in the first few weeks.
Some of the activities and events that have occurred already this term include, but are not limited to:
- Whole school assembly to farewell our Year 12 cohort, as well as support the World’s Greatest Shave.
- College-wide free dress day with sausage sizzle and bubble tea stalls raising funds for the World’s Greatest Shave (donations over the year totalled over $4500!).
- Year 10 student finalists presenting at the City of Casey Safer Cities evening where one of our groups JBA (Just Breathe Air) took out the top prize of $150 per team member and will now act as a consultation group on a $25,000 grant to bring their ideas to life.
- Incursions and excursions, including Year 7s having Member of Parliament for Holt, Cassandra Fernando coming and speaking with them about civics and opportunities to engage as a citizen and our Outdoor Ed students heading out for a day of orienteering.
In addition to this, I have provided below a range of updates on key events for Term 4.
Capital Works and Facilities Improvement
In the last weeks of Term 3, the College Executive Team alongside the Victorian School Building Authority and Department of Education representatives were part of a selection process for an architecture group who will lead the master planning stage of our $13.6M facilities upgrade works.
I am pleased to announce that Brand Architects were the group selected by the panel, and they have already commenced planning and surveying works to develop their masterplan concepts for the college.
The college will be working with Brand Architects to convene student, staff and community consultation groups to help inform the master plan that will guide future facilities improvements. This is very exciting for our college community, and I look forward to seeing their ideas being presented and developed.
Class of 2023
In Term 4, we get to say farewell to our Class of 2023, with students in both VCE and VCE VM programs starting the process of transitioning to life beyond school. As part of this, the Senior Sub School Team took the opportunity to celebrate the end of 13 years of schooling by taking Year 12s out for a celebration day at Luna Park. Students had the opportunity to have some fun together as a cohort, which also serves as a great way to reduce stress prior to reengaging with the exam revision process or making sure that outcomes for courses are all completed, submitted and signed off.
We will also be continuing these celebrations in our 2023 Valedictory Evening to be held on Friday 17th November which is always a wonderful way to celebrate the achievements of our learners with not only our students, but also their families.
Class of 2029
It is pretty scary for us to be seeing the year 2029 in writing, but later this term, we will be welcoming our new Year 7 cohort who will be our Class of 2029 graduates. The transitions team have been busily working behind the scenes to be communicating with primary schools, as well as sending out weekly communications to parents and carers of incoming Year 7 students to help provide information in manageable chunks and allow time for families to get set up to support students having a successful start to high school.
The college will be hosting a number of orientation sessions in addition to the state-wide orientation day to support effective transition for all of our students.
Pre-Conditions for Learning: Uniform
I would like to take this opportunity to put a spotlight on one of our pre-conditions for learning at Lyndhurst Secondary College – our focus on all students having full and correct uniform for every period of every day.
I am proud that we have made a number of improvements to our college uniform options over the last 18 months based on student feedback. This included student voice in the design of items, as well as the inclusion of items. Our new items introduced in the last 18 months include:
- Knitted rugby top
- ¼ zip polar fleece jumper
- Updated school beanie
- Updated school baseball cap
- LSC puffer jacket
- LSC puffer vest
Our School Council is responsible for the development and ratification of the Student Dress Code Policy. Based on recent upgrades, this policy has been updated and is now available on our college website. A copy of this policy has also been included in this edition of the newsletter.
With regards to our pre-conditions for uniform, please see important information in the tiles below that clearly outline our college expectations for students each and every day:
Ms Eloise Haynes