School Success Starts with Attendance

Being at school every day makes a huge difference!

The Benefits of Walking to School


In our busy lives, the daily commute to school often becomes an integral part of our routine. For families without cars, walking to school emerges as a not only practical but enriching choice with numerous advantages.


1. Promoting Health and Well-being: 

Walking is an excellent form of exercise that contributes to overall health and well-being. It helps children stay active, boosts their energy levels, and supports healthy growth and development. Additionally, the fresh air and physical activity at the start of the day can enhance focus and attentiveness in the classroom.


2. Community Connection: 

Walking to school fosters a sense of community among students, parents, and neighbours. It provides an opportunity for families to engage in conversations, share experiences, and build lasting relationships. The journey becomes more than just a walk – it becomes a daily connection with the community.


3. Environmental Stewardship: 

Choosing to walk reduces the carbon footprint and contributes to environmental sustainability. By opting for a more eco-friendly mode of transportation, families play a small yet significant role in promoting a healthier planet for future generations.


4. Cost-Efficient: 

Walking to school is a cost-effective alternative for families without cars. It eliminates the need for transportation expenses and allows families to allocate resources to other essential needs. It's a simple and economical way to navigate the daily journey to and from school.


5. Developing Independence: 

Walking to school instills a sense of independence in children. As they navigate the route each day, they develop essential life skills, including road safety awareness, time management, and problem-solving. These skills contribute to their personal growth and readiness for future challenges.


At Saltwater P-9 College, we celebrate and support all families, recognising the diverse ways in which our students arrive at school. Walking to school is not just a mode of transportation; it's a journey that enhances health, community bonds, environmental consciousness, and individual growth. Let's take a step towards a healthier, more connected, and vibrant school experience together!


Attendance Matters!


Now let's see which class has demonstrated the highest attendance this fortnight. Looks like there was a bit of a trend in this one! Congratulations to the following classes:


Prep G - 93%

1D - 94%

2A - 97%

3G - 94%

4I - 96%

5C - 98% 

6B - 95%

7A - 95%

8A - 95%


Congratulations to 5C who won our whole school attendance trophy. 5C will keep hold of the attendance trophy until our next whole school assembly. We are excited to see who will win the attendance trophy next.