Leadership Report

Written by Amanda Palombi

Dear Saltwater community, 

Welcome to week 8. Can you believe that we are nearing the end of our 2023 school year? Over the past fortnight there have been many events that we need to acknowledge and celebrate. We thank our hardworking team of staff and the unwavering support they receive from our families.

School Carnival - Thank You!

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who dedicated their precious time and energy to make our school carnival a fantastic and memorable event. To those who volunteered on the day, your commitment and hard work contributed to the success of this event. Your efforts went above and beyond to ensure that our school carnival was a resounding triumph. From setting up the booths and games to supervising rides and organising the various activities, you demonstrated exceptional teamwork and enthusiasm. The smiles on the faces of our students and their families were a testament to the joy you brought to our community.


It was heartwarming to witness the numerous visitors we had on the day. We thank our community members who made time in their busy day to visit the carnival. Your positive attitudes created an atmosphere of fun and excitement that will be remembered by all who attended. 


The contributions of our carnival go far beyond the event itself. The funds raised will benefit our school, providing resources and opportunities for our students that would not have been possible without your support. The community involvement in our school carnival will leave a lasting, positive impact on the education and wellbeing of our students. We are immensely proud to have a school community such as ours, with our commitment to our students, a strength of our community. We look forward to future collaborations and more successful events together.  


Prep Transition Day: 'A Glimpse into the Future' 


The excitement was palpable as our future Prep students visited our school for their highly anticipated Transition Day on Wednesday the 15th and Thursday the 16th of November. This special occasion marked a significant step in their educational journey as they were given the opportunity to visit classrooms and meet the teachers in the grades they would soon be advancing to in 2024. The day was carefully planned to make the transition as smooth as possible, helping the young learners acclimatise to the idea of moving on to the next phase of their education. 


The morning began with a warm welcome from the leadership team, school captains and staff. Accompanied by their future teachers and peers, the Prep students explored their various classrooms, and discovered the exciting spaces where they would soon learn and grow. They were filled with wide-eyed wonder as they engaged in an art activity designed to be completed with their teddy bears or comfort toys, as they embarked on an exciting ‘Bear Hunt’. We eagerly await their return during the second transition days on:

  • Wednesday 29 November Prep 2024 Transition Morning: 9am–10.15am (Prep A, B, C, D, E) 
  • Thursday 30 November Prep 2024 Transition Morning: 9am–10.15am (Prep F, G, H, I, J, K) 

Whole School ICT Information Night

Our ICT information evening will be held on Wednesday 29th of November at 6pm, online via Webex.

A link will be sent out via email prior to the session. During the evening, you will receive information regarding the purchasing of devices through our new supplier JB HiFi Education, as well as gain an insight into how ICT is incorporated into the classrooms here at Saltwater P-9 College.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our ICT Leading Teacher Denae Vines by emailing denae.vines@education.vic.gov.au.

Workforce Planning Completion 

We are currently finalising staffing for 2024 and the class structures are almost completed. It is imperative that we know of any changes to the enrolments. If you know that you might be moving or you know of someone in our community considering enrolling for 2024, encourage them to let us know or to make an appointment as soon as possible to come in to collect an enrolment pack from the office. You can reach us by phone at 03 8366 7700 or via email at saltwater.p9.co@education.vic.gov.au.

Uniform Reminder

We've noticed that some students have not been fully complying with our school uniform policy. Teachers have kindly been offering reminders to ensure that all students consistently wear their uniforms. It's important to remember that all students are expected to be in their academic uniform, with exceptions made for days when they have PE or dance classes, during which they can wear their sports attire. Furthermore, Fridays have been designated as Sport Uniform Days. The uniform expectation includes a broad rimmed school hat during term one and term four. Your support and cooperation in maintaining our uniform policy would be greatly appreciated.

Academic Uniform
Sport Uniform
Academic Uniform
Sport Uniform

Lost Property 

Please remember to come and check lost property if your child has misplaced any clothing or personal items. There are many items with no name on the rack as well as other personal items. If your child’s property and uniform are named, they are returned to them.