Deputy Principal 

St Bede's School Technology Responsible Use Policy and Agreement


At St Bede's, we prioritise the safety and well-being of our students and staff. One crucial aspect of this safety is ensuring online safety and responsible use of technology. We believe it is important to keep parents informed about our policies and guidelines regarding internet usage and online behaviour. Please take a moment to read this important update on our school's online safety policies.


Internet Access and ICT Devices/Equipment: St Bede’s School is committed to providing internet access and ICT devices/equipment to enhance student learning outcomes and school operations. However, we are also aware of the potential risks associated with these technologies. Cyberbullying, in particular, is a serious concern. Cyberbullying includes forwarding private emails, messages, pictures, or videos without permission, and any such behaviour is strictly prohibited both during and after school hours.


Online Conduct and Social Media: Children are not allowed to upload any photos of fellow students from school events or students in uniform. Additionally, students are prohibited from using social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, which have minimum age requirements. Students may share work in Google Apps and comment on each other's work, but these interactions must be constructive and respectful at all times.


Consequences of Violating Online Safety Policies: Any breach of our online safety policies will be taken seriously. Breaches may include activities such as bullying comments, uploading pictures of fellow students,  forwarding private emails, accessing inappropriate websites, or communicating with unknown persons outside our network. 


Consequences for violations may include discussions with the student, informing parents, loss of ICT privileges, financial responsibility for ICT repairs or replacements, and disciplinary actions in accordance with our behaviour management policy. The severity of the breach will determine the appropriate response.


We kindly request your support in reinforcing these guidelines at home and discussing the importance of responsible online behaviour with your child. Open communication between parents, teachers, and students is essential in maintaining a safe online environment for everyone.


Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Together, we can create a positive and secure learning environment for our students.


A link to our St Bede's Technology Responsible Use Policy and Agreement is here. This is the policy all students and parents sign at the beginning of the year before school Chrome Books are handed out.




I acknowledge the traditional owners of this land; past, present & emerging the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.