From the Principal 

Week 4 Term 4 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to week 4. 

Thank you to those parents who forwarded me their education requests. The date has now closed for these. Staff are currently working through formatting the class lists for next year.


There is alot of excitement around our Run4FUN splatacular. I encourage you to sign up.  All children will be involved even if you don't actually sign up. We understand that times can be difficult financially. 


Yr1/2 Excursion

On Monday the Yr 1/2 children attended an excursion to Healesville Sanctuary. The children had a  great day of learning. A huge thank you to the parents who asissted on the day.


P and F AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends association will be held on Wednesday the 22nd of November in the staff room commencing at 7.00pm. I ask that if you are interested in joining the committee that you please attend. It's simple! We need more volunteers!!!!!!!! The P and F do an amazing job of organising fundraising and social activities but we can't leave it to the same people year after year.  I really encourage as many people as possible to attend on the 22nd. I look forward to seeing the staffroom packed.


Social Media

As you are aware there are lots of social media apps out there that children are tempted to use. All of these apps are considered not appropriate  for most primary school children.  It is important to be reminded of our schools user agreement;

Extract from our ICT user agreement.

Many forms of social media have a minimum age of 13 or 16 (e.g Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat) and are out of bounds for our students to use. Students may share work in Google Apps (e.g.Docs and Slides) and comment on each other’s work. Any comments made are to be constructive and appropriate. Online comments should at all times show respect for the dignity of each person.

Please see the  deputy principal  (Larissa Boyhan's) page for further information.


Have a great week
