Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 4 Week 6 - Friday 10th November

We have had a very busy last couple of weeks in Prep.

 We have been doing assessment tasks and are beginning conversations about Grade 1 which is a very popular and exciting topic of conversation!


What we are learning:

Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy) 

This term, across the P-2 cohorts we have targeted teaching groups for Little Learners Love Literacy. Four mornings per week students make their way to their levelled group. It is here that they will be taught at the appropriate level for their ability.  The teachers from p-2 know all the children and can scaffold and support each child. We have been going to our Phonics groups each day, we have all learnt so much!


Prep writing is a fun daily activity. In addition to adding in adjectives to make their writing more interesting, Preps are also reminded to remember their full stops, finger spaces and capital letters. This is a lot to remember for our Preppies however they are all doing such a wonderful job at this.  They have also  been learning about conjunctions and how we can use words such as ‘and’ ‘or’ and ‘but’ to join two sentences together. This was a popular activity and we had lots of discussions around deciding which word should be used. 

Leader In Me:

The cultural Day last week was a fantastic day that all students enjoyed. This was organised by our student lighthouse team. A very special mention to the Prep student lighthouse leaders Piper and Annabel for their leadership, resilience and maturity. Much fun was had by all. 


We continue to explore different types of weather both locally and worldwide in Inquiry. Students are learning about meteorologists and we had some brave students be a class meteorologist which was lots of fun.  We are looking forward to our Fizz Kids weather incursion on Thursday 16th November. Please be sure to read, consent and make payment for this via compass. Any questions please speak to your class teacher. 


Specialist Days:

Monday - Health

Tuesday - Art/Culture & Music

Wednesday- Art/Culture & PE

Friday - Auslan




Important reminders:


Please be sure to check compass for information about our Weather Incursion on THURSDAY 16th NOVEMBER. We still require consent from some families. Please speak with Narelle or Michaela if you have any questions. 




Please continue to check the blue pouches nightly, as we use these to send notices home. We are finding many notices still in blue pouches not read. 


Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only.



Foundation Photos