From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

Happy to be Home

After having travelled to London to see ABBA Voyage and venturing through Iceland, it was wonderful to arrive home and to return to school, where I feel and know I belong. Courtney Mason and the team were again flawless in their approach to the school’s operations for which I am grateful. The ABBA concert was incredible. Iceland was cold!


Culture Day

Last week the Student Lighthouse Team planned and facilitated a totally student led event. The team was passionate about providing the students with a rich and enjoyable experience, learning about cultures from around the world. Student leaders shone as they taught lessons about South Africa, Spain, Brazil… Students wore traditional costumes and participated in dancing, singing and art activities. This is the first event that was 100% driven by students and we were so proud of their commitment and delivery. The school’s priority goal to continually increase student voice and agency is being realised. Mr Duckett was the Student Lighthouse Chairperson in 2023 and did an outstanding job getting the best out of our young and vibrant leaders.


Student Shout Outs

Here are some of the shout outs from the Gratitude Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM) Box in the last week.


Altay O is a very good friend of mine and makes me so happy and safe. Bentleigh


Sezen K let me pick what I play sometimes, and she is my bestie. Nicola


Evie B is a nice person and makes me happy. Bella


Nia I-N showing habit 6. She is a lovely friend, and she is kind to me. Lucy


Rose G is amazing when we are hurt. Shayla and Leah


Chase S makes me happy. Lachlan


Liam R is kind and makes me happy. Malachi


Flynn R helped me on Culture Day. Hugo


Matthew B had so much fun looking up Tyler from Turning Red. Tom


Lyla O - If I had a flower every time you made me smile, I would have a whole garden. Holly


Grounds Works Update

The Inclusive Garden will soon be completed. We are waiting for the shade sail to be installed. The temporary fence will remain for a few weeks to allow time for new grass to grow. This project has been slow to come to fruition and is the result of a successful $200,000 Department of Education grant from December 2021. Brooke Sheppard was the driver of the grant application, just as she was for the ANZAC Garden project at the front of the school and others. 


The Council has approved works for accessible parking on Argus Street outside the school’s main entrance. The project will be completed in 2024 and create a more comfortable drop-off and pick-up experience for some of our parents with physical disabilities.


The sand pit has re-opened, and the students are enjoying the new sand.


Book Fair

Our next Scholastic Book Fair is 20/11/23 - 24/11/23, every day from 8.30am - 9.00am and 3.30pm - 4.00pm in the BER Library. Books, stationary, posters and more will be on sale.

The more items sold the more funds go straight back into our school.  This is an opportunity to get some early festive gifts. This time there is a special incentive. If we make over $5000, Miss Anna will give Mr B a crazy hairdo at an upcoming assembly.


Semester Reports

Most student assessment tasks are completed, and teachers began Semester 2 report writing on Monday. The overall student performance is on track to meeting teacher judgements against the Victorian Curriculum Standards. The additional staff recruited to support students from their learning points of need, over and above the classroom instruction has had a positive impact on student learning. Alongside the remedial thread, the Year 3-6 students worked across the school in like-needs groups for maths instruction. This approach saw students from middle and upper school working together at secondary school levels. Reports will be posted on Compass on Wednesday December 15th.                   

Week 11 the Final Full Week of Term 4

As mentioned, the last day of school for students is Tuesday December 19th with Wednesday 20th being a student free/Curriculum Day. In the event that families are committed to getting away from Monday 18th for holidays or festive activities, we have scheduled priority activities into week 11.


Mon 11th: Year 5-6 Drama Performances 2.30pm


Tue 12th: Year F-5 Up Day, Year 6 Transition Day


Wed 13th: Year 6 Graduation 7pm


Thu 14th: Year 6: Big Day Out, Year F-5 Class Celebrations


Fri 15th: Final Assembly 2.45-3.30pm                                               


Maternity Leave

It is always exciting when a baby is expected. The time will shortly arrive for our wonderful colleague and school leader Kayla Mugford. The students adore Kayla, as do the staff. Parents are like-minded and so appreciative of Kayla’s willingness and capacity to motivate and scaffold students’ academic performance and wellbeing. With the students, Kayla sets clear boundaries and high expectations. We will all miss her magic. Kayla’s last day at school will be Tuesday November 14th. Gemma Baker will teach the class for the remainder of the year. All the students know Mrs Baker so this will be a smooth transition for all.


Recruitment for 2024

This week new staff have been hired and recruitment will continue over the coming weeks. Jaqueline Buchanan and Sam Downs have accepted teaching positions and four additional education support staff will join the team in 2024. Further vacancies to be advertised include an Auslan teacher, Wellbeing teacher and an Occupational Therapist. Disability and Inclusion funding provides the opportunity to employ an OT, and we hope to be successful. 


Booklists for 2024

Lists have been provided via Compass. Payments can be made this year or by the end of Term 1 2024. There are still outstanding payments for 2023 booklists, and it would be appreciated if these could be finalised immediately. It is strongly recommended to purchase the school selected booklist packs, so students have the same materials and feel a sense of equality. Having the same materials also supports the teachers with instruction and classroom management. Next year in the first week, school materials will be sent home for personal labelling, rather than the staff working through this process during school hours with the students, as in previous years. Parents seeking further clarification or facing financial difficulties may contact Brooke Sheppard or Wendy Sheppard, our administration and business managers via the school office in person, by phone or email.


Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind Have a Plan

One element of Habit 2 is to create a personal mission statement and to choose to live by it. Being mindful of what we think our purpose in life is, can help us to be proactive rather than reactive, when facing challenging situations and circumstances. All staff and students write new personal mission statements annually and display, share and refer to them.


My 2023 personal mission statement:

Embrace those I have in my life and do not focus on those I’ve lost. Be grateful for what I have and not focus on what I don’t. Always be prepared to prioritise and maintain a peaceful heart and mind. Receive information without becoming offended. Do not be defensive and listen without interrupting. Always remember my self-worth. Speak kindly and positively to myself every day.


Thought for the Week

“Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what we want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where we notice the little things and where we constantly look for the good, even in unpleasant situations. Let us start bringing gratitude to our experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience to feel grateful.” Marelisa Fabrega


Have a great weekend everyone.


George Danson