Amazing 5/6

What’s going on?

The kids have had a great couple of weeks, and hopefully enjoyed a well-earned long weekend around the Melbourne Cup. I want to congratulate all our School Captains, House Captains, and Lighthouse Leaders on their terrific presentations for Culture Day. The way they presented was fantastic and every class who visited left having learnt something new.

As a cohort, we are deep in the middle of collecting all the data we need for reports. We have several assessments on the horizon, and we are championing the message of ‘take your time and read the question properly.’ We have just begun our chance and probability unit, with the 5/6 carnival as a culmination at the end in week 9 or 10. We are writing historical fiction, to coincide with our history projects and we are continuing with our book club, where the students have broken off into smaller groups.

This week I want to highlight our end of term history project. Students have begun and will continue exploring their own history and what reasons their ancestors had for migrating to Australia. We will look at family trees, where they moved to and where they moved from and the causes. We understand that this could potentially be distressing for a select number of our kids, so if you believe this project will cause some distress or issues for your child, please email Sam or myself.

As always, please contact Sam or Nick if you need anything to support your child or about any of the upcoming events. Our emails are:


Student Report

Hello, my name is Charlie, and I am a leader in Sport and Maths, and I am Julia, and I am a leader in Reading and Drawing.  


In the last two weeks, we have started narrative writing. We have learnt about the structure of a narrative and connecting it to historical events. Our stories will be made up in a real setting. “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” is an example of historical fiction. It takes place in real places but has made up characters.  


We have been starting to read our own books in Book Club in a new structure. We have roles in every group: Meeting Organiser, Character Analyzer, Setting Analyzer, Fortune Teller and Word Hunter. I am reading “Once” (Julia) and I am reading “Birrung” (Charlie).  


In Maths, we finished Fractions and have started Chance. My group got to bake as a reward for our last fractions lesson. (Charlie).  

In Inquiry, we have been learning about the Human Evolution, Migration and Immigration. We explored why creatures migrate.  

We are looking forward to the Big Ride out which is happening on the first of December. 

Have an extraordinary weekend!