Inside the Classroom


Primary classes are working hard in their classrooms and are making the most of all the opportunities available for them. Classes 10 and 11 have been learning together in the classroom with Ms Scurrah and Mrs Hodges leading the students. They have also been accessing the spa.

Class 6 have been learning about the Material World in science with Miss Bernie. The students (and staff) have enjoyed these activities. 

Class 5 students have been focusing on fundamental skills and have been completing a range of activities to develop these skills based on student's needs and interests.

Class 13 have been enjoying class outings with the weather being perfect for these. The students have been to different local parks including Cook Park and the Adventure Playground.

Class 12 have been learning about China in Geography. The students have participated in cooking and craft activities and have also been building the Great Wall of China.

There have been some lovely moments captured on the playground as younger students and older ones have worked together to build a tower and support each other to walk the balance beam.

Kari Priest

Assistant Principal

Stage 4 

Stage 4 students have been busy both in and outside the classroom!

Class 15 recently visited mini Woolworths to develop important life skills and purchase and sell the necessary ingredients for cooking the recipe of the week.


Stage 4 students welcomed some of the 2024 year 7 students for transition this week. Participating in a scavenger hunt and some fun games in the engine room and gym.

Class 16 created a beautiful morning tea to entertain their invited guests - our grandparents and special people in our lives. Fairy bread and cupcakes put the perfect touch on a special morning tea. 


Billie-Jo Rutten

Stage 4 Assistant Principal

Stage 5 

This week stage 5 are recognising National Pollinator week, and as part of their Geography studies have been exploring the life of bees. Classes 8 and 14 made some beautiful artworks showcasing the natural environments that bees are attracted to. Class 9 are working on hydration stations to ensure that our bees have access to water in the hot weather.

Speaking of busy bees, class 8 have been working hard on completing their end-of-year assessments. I had the pleasure of seeing their Science presentations for animal adaptions. Great job class 8! It was great to see your individual personalities and sense of humour shine through in the presentations.

Last week we welcomed some of our family members and special people in our lives to our school for a morning tea to celebrate Grandparents Week. Our VIP guests were treated to tea and coffee and some delicious treats. The weather was perfect and we loved sitting out in the sunshine with you before showing off some of the fantastic work being done in classrooms.

Stage 6 

Year 11 and 12 Technology students have enjoyed visiting the Anson Farm in the sunshine. Students have been practicing how to care for Living things thing by taking care of the vegetable plants and chooks by helping water and feed the animals, and collect the eggs. 

Students in stage 6 have enjoyed participating in the Respectful Relationships program learning about respect, safe behaviours, safe people and how to ask for help. Last week students enjoyed the role-play activities on friendships. 

Jess Hodder

Stage 6 Leader/Assistant Principal 


Class 21 has welcomed new students in the last 2 weeks. Lilly and Ali are transitioning into class from other schools and are settling in well. We are really enjoying having new people in class to offer a fresh perspective and to increase the input in group discussions. Emily was able to introduce Ali to the chickens on her first day. We are also working on a few ongoing literacy challenges including listing words with silent letters as well as words with no vowels. Can you add to our list?


Class 19 is studying the Living World in Science this term; in particular human evolution. They conducted an investigation that showed just how important the human thumb is. Students timed themselves performing simple tasks, like writing and picking up things, using 5 fingers and then repeated the same task without using their thumb. There is a significant difference - try it for yourself at home!

Class 18 are studying the novel and movie, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, the story of an unlikely but beautiful friendship. Students have started to analyse the characters as well as the setting of the novel.

Campus sport is always a highlight of the week, regardless of the weather. Mr Rasmussen is an excellent motivator, leading the teams through a game of Crab Soccer inside the MPC on a rainy Wednesday as well as European Handball on the grass when the weather is fine. It is hard to tell who is having more fun sometimes, the students or the staff!

SistaSpeak has continued on Tuesday afternoons, with the girls learning the art of basket weaving from Aunty Daphne and Aunty Robyn. What a great honour it is to chat with and learn from these amazing women. 

Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus