Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Our current PBL focus is Be Responsible: wear school uniform. There has been a significant increase in the number of students wearing items of clothing that are not part of our school uniform. Our uniform encourages students to connect and belong with our school and allows a focus on learning, without the distraction of fashionable colours or styles. 

Every student should be wearing our navy polo shirt and either the navy skort, shorts or pants (girls) or the grey shorts or pants (boys), and black school shoes or black school joggers. On Wednesday students wear the light blue polo shirt and navy shorts with joggers for sport.

All of our uniforms are available from the Orange Clothing Company. If you are having any problems dressing your child in school uniform, please contact the office for assistance. There is also a small amount of donated clothing in our clothing pool for student use.


This term students are working towards an end of year reward - a disco! 

Students who do not have any major incidents recorded between week 6 and the 14/12/23 will have fun dancing with their peers and enjoying pizza and an ice block.







PBL stars:

Congratulations to these respectful, responsible, safe students.


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator and Deputy Principal



Positive Behaviour for Learning (PWL)

Last week we celebrated World Kindness Day by performing Random Acts of kindness for staff and students. Kindness is often forgotten and neglected in the fast-paced world we live in. However, those small acts of kindness can have a huge impact on your life and can make you happier than you could imagine. We spoke about the many ways we can show others kindness every day. Moving towards the busy Christmas Holidays here are some ideas on how to create random acts of kindness towards others. 



Mrs Jenny Rosser

Wellbeing Coordinator and Deputy Principal