From the Principal

House Sports
It was fantastic to have so many families join us for our Annual House Sports on Thursday 9 November. The students looked incredible in their house colours and we loved seeing some of the parents getting into the spirit of the day and wearing their house colours too.
A humungous thank you to Dean Sharples for organising such a fabulous event for us all. It was a truly magical day. The students loved every second and it was wonderful to see them encouraging and supporting their team members.
Congratulations to Blue Team on their victory, their first since 2011! It was a very high scoring day as all the teams tried their personal best.
You can read more in our Sports Section and see further photos from the day.
Monday Madness Dress Up Day
Thanks to all of the families who supported our students to dress up for our 'Monday Madness' on Monday 30 October. It was great to see our students and staff get involved dressed in their spookiest and creative costumes. The money raised from this dress up day will go towards our Library Renovation project.
2024 Prep Transition sessions
Our transitions sessions for our 2024 Preps starts this week. The new preps will have a chance to visit the school on three occasions over the next few weeks. These sessions are invaluable in supporting the students prepare for becoming 'big school kids'! The new preps will get a chance to meet some of the staff they will be working with and other students who may not be at their current kinder.
Please speak to Robyn, Suzanne or Bev at the office if you haven't yet handed in your enrolment forms so your child can be added to the list for a transition session.
DPV Health
Liz from DPV Health visited out assemby on Monday to present us with our next 'Respect' banner. Our final banner for the year focuses on being respectful towards others and how this can impact our school and broader community. These banners are on display at our Plaza Gate\McKimmies Road entry.
School Policies
In preparation for our School Review in 2025, our school has been reviewing and updating a number of our policies and procedures to ensure they meet any new requirements and reflect our current practices.
Policies are available for you to review on our school website at
We are committed to continuous improvement and always welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our policies, procedures and practices.
If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact myself, Linda or Julie or arrange an appointment with us through our office team.
Automatic Front Gate
By now, many of you will have noticed our new automatic gate at our Cleveland Street entrance. If you need to visit during the school day, you will need to press the intercom and speak to a member of staff who will grant you access.
Deadline for return of Consent Forms
As part of our commitment to Child Safety, we will be implementing a new policy regarding the return of consent forms for events and excursions.
To assist staff with the smooth planning and organisation of events and excursions, all consent forms will need to be signed and returned to the school the day prior to the scheduled event or excursion. Forms returned on the day of the excursion will no longer be accepted so please ensure you return them prior to this to avoid disapointing your child.
This new process will support teachers to providing the best experience for our students whilst also ensuring the safety and wellbeing for everyone.
If your family is experiencing financial hardship in supporting your child to attend an event or excursion, please arrange an appointment with Linda, Julie or myself.
Will you be at LEPS in 2024?
Staff have already commenced work on classes and structures ready for the 2024 school year. If you and your family are moving and will not be attending Lalor East in 2024, could you please contact the office as soon as possible.
Student Voice Award Finalists
In some exciting news, our Junior School Council recently submitted an application for an award through the Victorian Student Representative Council (VicSRC) for Student Voice School of the Year. We were notified last Friday that our award application was well received and that we have been short listed as a finalist!
This is a very exciting achievement; especially when we are up against some large secondary colleges.
A small team of students and staff from LEPS will be attending a special award ceremony in the city next Thursday where the winners will be annouced.
Student Free Day - TOMORROW
A final reminder that TOMORROW (Wednesday 15 November) is our final Student Free Day for 2024. Students do not need to attend school on this day.
Acting Principal