PCA News

Catherine Higgins 

Dear Families,


We have been overwhelmed with the large number of parent helpers offering their assistance for our upcoming events, especially the Halloween Disco that took place on Thursday evening. 


Unfortunately, we were unable to accept all offers as we had so many! Although this is a wonderful problem to have, we do not want people to feel discouraged if your offer was not accepted. We appreciate your support, and we value our parent helpers very highly. Without you, our events cannot run as successfully as they do. 


The following events will be taking place before end of term and will require parent helpers:

  • Bunnings Sausage Sizzle (8:15am – 11:30am timeslot) 
  • Christmas Raffle and Christmas BBQ 







Our annual Halloween Disco was huge success, last night the children all enjoyed themselves and were full of lots of smiles and wonderful dance moves. 

Thanks to the parents who volunteered their time once again.



PCA President

Catherine Higgins