Parents & Friends

Parents & Friends
Wow, what a fortnight! We have big news, read on...
Trivia Night
On the 28th of October our community came together for OLA’s Spring Carnival Trivia Night. This was the first trivia night since 2019 and what a fantastic night it was, filled with laughter, good cheer and some incredible fashion!
Thank you to the 194 guests who purchased tickets to this event, the generosity of countless businesses who donated goods or services for our silent auction and to all of our wonderful families for your donations and contributions. We raised approximately $15,000 which will go towards our fundraising initiatives this year which is a phenomenal success.
Thank you to the incredible Spring Carnival Trivia Night team led by Lauren Koukoumanos and ably assisted by Claudelle Salter, Claire Melican, Eli Dunlevie, Mel Power, Rachael Martin and Dominique Monotti for their unwavering commitment to deliver such a successful event.
Colour Run - Today
Our fantastic students and their families have been hard at work raising funds for our school which will go towards our fundraising initiatives. We saw the colour spectacular take off today and tune in to the next issue, for loads of stories and photos of the awesome colours and activities.
Funding Initiatives for 2023!
This year, the P&F team with your support have raised funds for the following school wish list items. With the recent amazing contributions that everyone has made to the Spring Carnival Trivia Night and the Colour Run I am very proud to announce these results:
- Wishlist Item 1: Football nets to return our active kids' footballs and prevent them going into the gardens of our neighbours at lunchtime. Achieved!
- Wishlist Item 2 - A 65 inch SMART board to support learning in our new library. Achieved!
- Wishlist Item 3 - A set of Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags for our hall to recognise and honour our indigenous history. Achieved!
- Wishlist Item 4 - New drink taps in two locations, to replace the existing bubblers and a new location beside the outdoor stage. Achieved!
- Stretch Wishlist Item 5 - Upgrade to the school entrance landscape to include shaded seating under the trees. Stretch Target Pending (we’re so close!)
An enormous thank you to everyone who has contributed their time, expertise and funds to every P&F event, stall, raffle, shop, bookclub, etc. We could not have done this without the support of the fabulous OLA community.
Andy Wright
P&F Chair 2023
P&F Christmas Drinks - 13 Nov 7pm
Please join us on Monday night for the P&F Christmas Drinks. The P&F Team will be meeting in the Community Hub at 6pm to have our wrap up meeting. Christmas drinks to follow at 7pm. Please join us to celebrate this outstanding year.
Upcoming 2023 P&F Key Dates
- Nov 10 - Colour Run at Cheltenham Park
- Nov 13 - P&F AGM & Christmas Drinks
- Dec 14 - Grade 6 Graduation
P&F Team Contacts
Chair | Andy Wright (Ollie 4) | 0422 845 855 |
Deputy Chair | Stacey Straford (Hudson 6 & Olive 3) | 0404 898 779 |
Secretary | Lauren Koukoumanos (Isabella 5 & Sophia 2) | 0403 213 095 |
Treasurer | Rosie An (Ellie 1 & James 4) | 0422 037 308 |
Prep | Paulette Stutterd (Ariel P) Anthea Plousi (Kalliopi P) Laura Morel (Harry P, Sophie 2 & Oliver 4) Sally O’Keeffe (Piper P, Phoenix 3 & Indie 5) | 0449 841 735 0411 710 707 0430 178 530 0405 731 443 |
Grade 1 | Eli Dunlevie (Zac 1) Ben Gray (Xander 1) Marie De Marco (Alexander 1 & Eva 1) | 0411 757 883 0459 334 189 0403 086 792 |
Grade 2 | Dominique Monotti (Domingo 2 & Brigitte 3) | 0402 065 056 |
Grade 3 | Olivia Moran (Isabelle 5 & Michael 3) Alysha Crawford (Niamh 5, Joe 5 & Charlotte 3) | 0420 490 713 0404 283 615 |
Grade 4 | Elizabeth Semmel (Dolores 4) Melissa Moore (Christian 4 & Xavier 4) | 0410 665 252 0404 079 781 |
Grade 5 | Kara Bogicevic (Henry 5) Lauren Koukoumanos (Isabella 5 & Sophia 2) | 0409 353 957 0403 213 095 |
Grade 6 | Libby Fedrick (Maggie 6) Kyahn Williamson (Giselle 6 & Cruz 4) | 0421 004 044 0401 018 828 |
Second Hand Uniform Store | Rachael Martin (Sam 6) Dian Kett (William 6) Elena Ricciuti (Vincent 6 & Christian 2) | 0417 802 018 0401 088 122 0425 257 566 |
Scholastic Book Club | Rachael Davidson (Zachary 2) | 0466 747 891 |
Special Projects | Claudelle Salter (Jack 4) | 0409 844 392 |