School News 

Kapture Photo's

We have been advised by Kapture Photography that all Portraits, Classroom Groups taken last term are still available for purchase.


Please visit using our school code QQS9B3


Head Lice

Due to the number of cases of head lice at the moment, please examine your child’s hair for signs of head lice by following the advice below from the Department of Health.  Remember that head lice are only about 2 to 4mm long and are often hard to see.  Head lice can move at up to 30cm per minute and will rapidly run away when the hair is parted to search for them.  Applying hair conditioner to the dry hair slows the head lice down, so they can be trapped and removed by combing with a metal ‘nit’ comb.


How to look for head lice and eggs (nits) as per recent advice from the Department of Health:

  • To check hair effectively for eggs, use a magnifying glass in strong light (e.g., sunlight) to examine the hair shafts close to the scalp, especially behind the ears and at the nape of the neck.  Eggs look like grains of salt and are glued firmly to the hair shaft.
  • To check hair effectively for head lice, carefully comb enough hair conditioner through the dry hair to thoroughly saturate the hair, then comb again in sections with a fine-tooth metal “nit” comb.  The hair conditioner slows the head lice down so they can be trapped in the metal ‘nit’ comb.
  • Continue combing the whole head in this way.  Wipe the combings on a white tissue or paper towel and examine them with a magnifying glass in strong light (e.g., sunlight) to look for head lice and eggs.
  • Rinse the hair conditioner out when finished and dry the hair.
  • Continue the hair conditioner treatment daily for the next 10 days only if you find head lice.  See the attached Department of Health Head Lice Fact Sheet.
  • If your child has head lice, you must also check all other household members for head lice.  Use the same hair conditioner method to make this task easier and more effective.  Remember to check extended family members (eg. Grandparents) also if they have had close head-to-head contact with anyone found to have head lice.

If head lice persist even after you have carefully followed the Head Lice Fact Sheet instructions, further advice is available from our Community Nurse – Fiona Ewing – Phone 9258 8053.

Gifted and Talented  Testing

Absences from School

A written explanation is required under the School Education Act for each and every absence from school.  Notes are kept on file by classroom teachers for perusal by District Attendance Officers.  Electronic notes are saved on the Department of Education school server. 

Parents/guardians may notify the school via the following methods to inform the school of any absences: