Meghan Griffiths

PEAC (Primary Extension & Challenge)

PEAC is a part-time supplementary program for students in Years 5 and 6. Students are identified as suited to participate in the PEAC program through testing in Year 4. 


The PEAC Program is intended for the most academically able students. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is responsible for marking and scoring the PEAC test, thereby identifying the students eligible for PEAC provision.


 A total of 23,628 Year 4 students participated in the 2023 PEAC test. From this test data, 1037 students have been identified across Western Australia as being eligible for the PEAC program in 2024. 


The test consists of two sections:

  1. Verbal Reasoning 
  2.  Mathematical Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning.

Students are offered PEAC placement if they meet one or more of the below criteria from the PEAC test:

  1. Verbal Reasoning: students with specific strengths in language and meaning who score 98th percentile and above.
  2. Mathematical & Abstract Reasoning: students with specific strengths in thinking mathematically and abstract reasoning who score 98th percentile and above.
  3. Total Percentile – Students scoring 97th percentile and above.


Based on the above criteria, 17 Year 4 Burrendah students are eligible for the PEAC 2024 program. Congratulations to these students:

Sebastian B                          Neeraj K

Lamiya C                               Aaron L

Daniel C                                 Melissa L

Tama F-M                             Vihansa P

Irfan G                                   Bella Q

Max G                                    Aura R

Lucas                                      Ruby R

Violet J                                  Jayden Z

Naomi W


Parents may email the school’s Gifted & Talented Coordinator, to request your child’s individual PEAC result.