Human Society and its Environment

Assessment Update

  • Wishing Year 12 all the best with their current Trial HSC Examinations!
  • Year 12 Business Studies – Marketing Assessment is due Term 3, Week 3.
  • Year 11 Modern History – Historical Investigation is Due Wednesday of Week 10.
  • Year 11 Ancient History – Historical Investigation is due early Term 3.
  • Year 11 Legal Studies 'The Individual and the Law' task due next Thursday – Week 10.
  • Year 8 – History Exam is in Week 10.

HSIE Highlights

Year 10 Subject Selections

Year 10 will be provided with extensive information on the HSIE subjects available for Year 11 in 2025. Students will be asked to take notes to refer to when they choose subjects for next year so please ask your child what they think! The worksheet looks like this: