Wordslayers (English)

English Faculty

Year 12 English – HSC Trials

Students in Year 12 are undertaking their HSC Trial Examinations. English was the first exam and has provided an invaluable opportunity to demonstrate their learning. Feedback from these exams will be crucial ahead of the HSC Examinations in October.


Year 9 English – Romeo and Juliet

Students in Year 9 travelled to the Seymour Centre to watch a production of Romeo and Juliet ahead of their study of the Shakespearean play in Term 3. Students enjoyed the performance and found great value in the experience.


Year 8 English – The Man From Snowy River

Students have been studying Banjo Paterson’s famous poem ‘The Man From Snowy River’ as part of their study story telling. Paterson’s use of imagery has delighted students through breath taking descriptions of the snowy mountains and daring feats of the stockmen in their pursuit of Brumbies.


A Final Note

With the end of the Semester fast approaching, the upcoming winter holidays will be an excellent time to reflect, recharge, and renew our readiness to learn ahead of Term 3. Semester 1 reports will provide useful information on your child’s learning and motivation to continue the good work as we move into Semester 2. 


Remember the 4 Ps: planner, pen, paper (book), and pouch!


Have a wonderful break,

From all of us in English.