Learning Success

Secondary Studies Faculty - Learning and Support

Trial HSC examinations have begun. With our year 12 students now experiencing their first taste of what is to come for their HSC exams, there has been a lot of study and revision happening. 


Planning for success is key. Creating a study timetable and setting up a space at home (if possible) dedicated to study and schoolwork are two things students can do to prepare for success. 


At the beginning of each year, all students are given an assessment booklet for that year. This outlines when all assessments for all subjects will be due. If they lose their hard copy, the booklet can also be accessed on the school website. 




A term-by-term calendar displayed near the study space can be used to plan out how and when assessments are going to be completed, and to organise when individual study/revision can be scheduled in. Working out which method of study best works for the individual is so important in ensuring the time spent studying is beneficial. Don’t forget to schedule in some down time too to refresh the brain and take a break.


Secondary Studies/Learning and Support are available in the library before school, at recess and at lunch to help with study techniques, setting up a study schedule, assessment support and any other questions students may have about their learning. 


Wishing Year 12 all the best for their trials!!