P&C News
P+C Report
On Tuesday night 25th June 2024 we held our Week 9 P+C meeting.
We commenced with a presentation by Mr Smith, the relieving Head Teacher Support, who gave us an insightful look into the Support Unit. Mr Smith explained how the Support Unit works, as well as the number and types of classes. He explained how students are allocated places in the Support Unit, and some of the complexities as they plan for the learning goals of the students. Thank you Mr Smith for this valuable insight as we learn about all things Camden High School.
We thanked the parents who joined the parent team for the Theatre Sports night – they had a ball.
Mrs Melissa Musgrave (a parent) presented the results of the traffic survey that was undertaken for the safety of students at CHS. She received just over 170 responses and has presented a 60 page report about this. The follow up will once again be a meeting with the Mayor of Camden (Ashleigh Cagney) and the State member (Sally Quinnell) where the report will be presented to further the progress of the matter.
An item of concern raised in the survey was the timing of buses. At a previous meeting, we were reminded that students and parents can use the app NEXT THERE to monitor bus times and locations. Bus crowding was also discussed. Buses are provided on the basis of usage data, and for this reason it is important that students travelling on buses TAP ON and TAP OFF with their Opal Card. Please have a discussion with your child and get them to TAP ON and TAP OFF so data for Camden High School is an accurate reflection of student usage.
Yeronga School Uniforms are the official supplier of Camden High School uniforms. This is still a relatively new arrangement, so if there are any concerns regarding availability or quality, please raise this with Yeronga uniforms via their email address camden@yerongauniforms.com .
We were also reminded about the app STYMIE. STYMIE means TO STOP! It is an online notification service for young people to anonymously report any harm they may be seeing or experiencing so that it can stop.
Stymie provides online reporting for schools. Encrypted, anonymous notifications are delivered within seconds to authorised recipients at our school, who respond according to their well-being framework. The notification provides the option to include images that validate the notification.
Suicide ideation, sexual assault, discrimination, anxiety, depression, bullying, self-harm, physical fights, family violence and illegal activity are reported using Stymie.
Our purpose is to support young peoples’ psychological safety by empowering them with the self-belief that they can #saysomething on their behalf, or as a bystander for someone else.
Please have a discussion with your child as they, or you, may wish to make use of the service.
Please feel free to contact us if there is anything that you would like us to raise with the school, or that you would like to learn about the P+C.
Our email address is camdenhighpandc@gmail.com
We hope to see many new faces next meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Dates are Week 4 and 9 of each term and the next date is as follows:
Term 3: Tuesday August 13th at 6:30 pm in the Library.