Support Faculty Snapshot
Stage 4
In Music stage 4 have been completing listening tasks, recognising different sounds in the music and how they can all go together. The students have also been expanding their knowledge of different chords when playing the ukulele and the guitar. The students also had the opportunity to draw how they see the guitar and being creative when drawing their own guitars.
In HSIE the students have been learning about Ancient China, including daily life, law & order, religious beliefs and warfare. Students will be looking at different weapons that were used in Ancient China and creating their own kite to show their understanding of the military uses of kites at the time.
We have been busy preparing for our assessment task on Integers and Algebra in Mathematics. The students have done amazing work with directed numbers calculating temperature changes, rises and drops on aeroplanes and hot air balloons. They have also shown a fantastic understanding of operations in algebra.
In Technology we are exploring different media of textiles as we prepare to make our bags. We have been doing fabric painting, running stitch, fabric texta drawing and oil pastel crayons to make different designs. Watch this space for some very cool bags.
Stage 5
In Food Technology Stage 5 students implemented their skills learned; in julienne sliced vegetables, measurements of liquids and dry ingredients folded in together with a wooden spoon, cooking over the stovetop with presentation of their meals: ‘Zucchini Stir Fry and Steak Sandwich with Salad’ ready to serve.
In Agriculture, both year 9 and 10 students, are enjoying their time at the schools AG farm, where they feed animals, weigh cattle, learning how to lead cattle. They also collect eggs from the schools chickens and learnt about mulesing the sheep with the farm hand.
Industrial Technology Timber Stage 5 students: Evan Dominguez and Matthew Brown work collaboratively with their peers and independently on their work piece: 'The Bedside Table with a Drawer' using specific woodwork tools: the Domino Joiner and Nail Punch to construct the drawer.
Mathematics classes have been busy preparing for their assessments using and calculating wages and salaries, as well as commissions and retainers. They were very challenged but also incredibly engaged in calculating taxes from taxation tables. More recently we have worked on algebraic indices and took part on amazing practical work on Areas and Volumes.
Stage 6
Stage 6 Technology have been learning about electrical energy this term and are currently putting their knowledge into action by creating their own battery powered cars. In the future students will create a model of a solar powered aeroplane!
In Numeracy Stage 6 have been busy measuring, using a variety of unit scales and equipment, such as rulers, tape measures, trundle wheels, measuring cups, measuring spoons, jugs and clocks this term. We have measured and calculated perimeters, areas, volumes and more recently, time. We have calculated time differences between countries and cities, and used timetables, which is very useful when planning travel.
In Work Studies Stage 6 have been exploring workplace issues, such as discrimination, equal opportunities, wages and conditions. This will equip our Year 12s for when they join the workforce next year.
For English Stage 6 have explored The Club, a quintessential Australian tale about Australian Rules Football. They have enjoyed building their analysing skills through this very interesting text.
In Sport Leisure and Recreation, Stage 6 have been building their physical skills. Some of them have tried their hand at boxing. These skills help to develop physical and mental well-being.
State Boccia Finals- here we come!
The Support Unit Boccia Team has been training hard. Last week, our team of Matilda, Matt, Kyle, Brandon and Joseph represented Camden HS against 18 other local high schools. We were undefeated, and placed first, heading into the final before narrowly losing the grand final to Mount Annan HS. Both teams now proceed to the State Finals in Term 3 to represent our area. This achievement places the team in the top 24 of NSW with more than 500 schools competing this year. Good luck!
Coming soon: Support Unit Tenpin Bowling team selections - Last year Camden HS finished first in Tenpin bowling in the region and finished in the Top 20 at State. We are looking to continue our strong form!