Personal Development, Health & Physical Education

It has been a busy term in PDHPE.  With the Camden vs Cowra exchange done and dusted for another year, it was great to see so many students excel physically and socially.


Congratulations to all students involved. It is an amazing exchange, and allows Camden students to learn and foster community spirit in so many different ways.

Thank you to all the families that took in billets. The exchange would not have occurred without your support. 


Good luck to all year 12 students starting their trial exams!


Year 7-10 have now finished all assessments for semester 1 and have grown and shown great initiative and leadership inside and outside the classroom. Well done to each and everyone.


In Semester 2-

Year 7 will be looking at positive relationships and their assessment task will take place in term 3. As for practical, their assessment will be on striking and fielding games. These include, tennis, softball, teeball, badminton, mini tennis, hockey.


Year 8 will be looking at a cybersmart and food choices. They will be having a yearly exam at the end of term 3. As for practical, their assessment will be on invasion games. These include soccer, oztag, Gaelic football.


Year 9 will be looking at sexual health and the kindess project. They will be assessed on a sexual health research task at the end of term 3. As for practical, they will be assessed ongoing on invasion games throughout term 3 and 4.


Year 10 will be looking at road safety and preparation for senior studies. They will be assessed through a yearly examination. As for practical, they will be completing a court sports events and then moving into fit for life. This will focus on providing year 10 students with skills in and outside the classroom.