Term 2

Senior School Update: 

Just a reminder that this week (11th – 14th) is the midyear exam week, with students only required at school for their subject exams. Students should be doing some preparation to ensure that they can get a good indicator of where they are in terms of understanding the unit 3 work.


The GAT will be run on Tuesday the 18th of June. Students completing the GAT are encouraged to arrive by 8:30am in preparation for the start. All students completing a 3&4 sequence subject are required to sit this exam. 


The GAT is in two parts:

  • Section A (9 – 11:15) for all students including those doing VCE-VM. This is an assessment to determine their literacy and numeracy skills standards. This is important for all students for the future as employees can request their GAT score during the employment process, and recently some TAFE and training providers have begun setting a minimum literacy and numeracy requirement that is assessed by the section A. 
  • Section B (1:15 – 3) is for students completing a scored VCE unit. This section is a general knowledge style assessment that covers all subjects and a written English task. This part has several functions, but for students it is used as a back-up in case a student misses an end of year exam for a legitimate reason or is ill during exam times. The GAT is used to help determine a “derived” score if the VCAA grants this.


Requirements and rules for the GAT were given to the students this week in a special information assembly. If any student missed this, they can see Lauren Marino, Claire Sullivan or myself for this information.


No Year 12 classes are running on Tuesday the 18th of June.


Students at WHC are encouraged to ‘Call Out’ poor behaviours they may be exposed to, witness, or hear of in our community.


If you hear something that is not right, or feel uncomfortable in our community, we want to hear from you! 


Students are encouraged to email their Year Level address, where concerns will be resolved. 

Year 11 Biology students completing their SAC3. They designed an experiment using beetroot to look at regulating plant functions.