Term 2


Principals Newsletter Report 11 June 2024


Our fortnightly newsletter continues to herald the great events that have occurred and what our students have been involved in throughout the Semester. 


Assessments and the GAT


With the end to semester one fast approaching, our students are also facing a peak time for assessment. Our Year 9,10 and 11 students are preparing for mid-year exams for each of their studies and all students currently studying a Year 12 subject and Year 12 VM will sit for their first external assessment the GAT on 18th June.


This period may see some of our students feeling slightly anxious and apprehensive; some may feel overwhelmed. As parents you can assist your children, our students, to build their self-management skills by working with them on strategies to help organise their time effectively, to identify the ways they best organise and revise for tests and exams and by ensuring they have a study space at home which is free from distractions and interruptions. Continuing with sporting and other activities can assist in alleviating anxieties and contribute to maintaining a positive frame of mind during this period. Above all, this time should be viewed as a learning experience. The resilience developed during these busy weeks of a school term is a valuable tool to prepare our young people for the challenging rigours of VCE and Tertiary examinations and the multitude of tasks within the workforce in later years. We know that the preparatory years contribute to the confident way in which our Year 12 cohorts approach their final exams.


Please do not hesitate to contact your children's subject teachers if you have any questions about their learning program or for further information on study techniques.



Semester Reports

Semester 1 reports will be released to parents and carers on Friday 28th June. I encourage you to download this report from compass and discuss the reports with your child.


End of Term 2

The last day of term 2 will be Friday 28th June and students will be dismissed at 2.30pm.


Term 3 Start Dates

Term 3 will commence with a Staff Professional Development Day (Day 4 – Berry St Education Model) on Monday 15 July with students not required to attend with students returning to semester 2 timetabled classes on Tuesday 16 July.



Pathways Evening and Career Counselling

We are heading into the busy and important time of year when students begin to plan their subject selections and pathways into their Senior Secondary studies. To support students and families with these selections, the school will run a Pathways Evening and individual Course Counselling sessions. We encourage all students and families to engage with both these opportunities.


Pathways Evening: Wednesday 24th JULY 6pm – 8.30pm in the PAF Building and RED Building

6.30pm: PAF- Year 10 2025 Information Sessions

7:00pm: Year 11 2025 VCE Information Session

7:40pm: Year 11 2025 Vocational Major and Vocational Pathways Certificate Information Session

6pm - 8pm: Expo will be open in the RED Building where students/families can engage with Currciulum Leaders around subject choice as well as external providers including VET Providers, Victorian Group Training, Universities, Head Start, School Based Appretice Providers and other providers


Careers Counselling Sessions

15 minute Careers Counselling Sessions will soon be open open to book with our Career and Pathways Team to support subject selection and pathway selection. These will occur on the following days and are bookable from now on COMPASS:


Year 9 into 10 2025: THURSDAY 25th JULY in the Grey BUILDING: Please note Year 9s will not have classes on this day


Year 10 into 11: Friday 26th JULY in the YELLOW BUILDING: Please note Year 10s will not have classes on this day


Year 11 into 12: MONDAY 29th JULY in the BLUE BUILDING: Please note Year 11s will not have classes on this day


Further information, including the updated 2025 Curriculum Handbook will be provided in the following weeks, as well as reminders, but please flag these important dates.



NAIDOC Week 2024

This year NAIDOC week will be acknowledged across our country between the 7-14 July. National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. A team of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have been working closely with Ms Pike and Ms. Fowler to formulate ideas in which our school can acknowledge this week in our school community. Our school will reflect on this week in several ways within our curriculum but also as a whole school.


Cybersafety Workshops

A big thank-you to Leonie Hill from Victoria Police who has recently completed cybersafety presentations to our Year 7/8 and 9/10 students. Staying safe online and using devices appropriately is a focus for our Year 7-10 sub schools and we will look forward to following up presentations from Leonie and the Victoria Police Youth Task team next semester.


Soccer Good Luck and Congratulations

Best of luck to our Bill Turner Trophy soccer teams playing on Wednesday aginst both Overnewton College and Maribyrnong Sports Academy in the U15 Girls and Boys on Wednesday.

We should also congratulate our head soccer coach Joseph Didlicia who was recently involved in goal keeping coaching the national Chinese Women’s Soccer Team in two friendly games against Australia recently. This is a great reflection of Joeys coaching credentials and this opportunity has already brought experience and opportunities back into our SSP Soccer Program.


Concussion Parent Forum

It was wonderful last week to have between 4-50 parents attend our SSP Concussion seminar last week. It was wonderful to have Dr. Drew Slimmon from the 10South Sports Medicine Clinic present to both students and parents. Drew has vast experience working with both the AFL in an advisory capacity and the Geelong and Nth Melbourne AFL clubs as a club doctor. We look forward to future forums being conducted each term on topics relevant to our parents/carers.


Take care,


Fiona Taylor


Child Safety at WHC

Western Heights College is a child safe organisation committed to protecting students from all forms of abuse.


Our College has stringent protocols in place and endeavours at all times to be fully compliant with the Child Safe Standards set out under Ministerial Order 870.


Our College has the following documents and policies in place to achieve compliance with the Standards. All of these documents are available for downloading on our website or contact the school for a copy. 


  1. Commitment to Child Safety
  2. Child Safety Policy
  3. Child Safety Code of Conduct
  4. Child Protection Policy and Procedures


Annual privacy policy reminder for 2024

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.(found on the colleges webpage)

Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our website. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents and carers on the webpage. This information is also available in nine community languages:

* Amharic

* Arabic

* Dari

* Gujarati

* Mandarin

* Somali

* Sudanese

* Turkish

* Urdu

* Vietnamese.