Student Engagement

Channel 10 Weather Event for the Push Up Challenge Promotion!
Year 7 Experience with Olivia and Victoria.
“Last Tuesday 6 students from Year 7, along with the other school leaders, came together to promote the start of the push up challenge. To celebrate the beginning of Australia's largest fundraiser for mental health Channel 10 came to Koonung to interview our school on how we were going to get involved and support the event.
We had a fun night and it was such a great experience that we will all never forget, especially seeing Mr Tozer trying to do a push up. After being briefed with what we were to do the pressure was on and we all performed well throughout all the crossings.
We are so thankful to Channel 10 for coming to give us this opportunity and in addition to Ms Sens and Ms Howe who made this possible.
We hope to see everyone get involved in the challenge and sign up.”
Olivia Barlow
“We were invited into A block at 4 o'clock where we put down our bags and had a quick briefing for the events of the night before the news came. Our first filming was around 4:55pm when we sat in the Auditorium area, it was a five second segment on updates for the next report, we had two more of those and in between we practice on what type of workout and push ups we could do. Before the 4 minute news report, we did a quick trip to the hall to grab our mats and placed them where we were going to film. We had a quick dinner and finally filmed the weather report.”
Victoria Moar
Year 10 Experience with Violet and Alicia
“Have you ever put thought into how many push ups you can do? Normally, I'd brush off the question by responding with something along the lines of “why would I choose to do push-ups willingly.” However, from the 5th to the 28th June, push ups take a much more significant purpose. The Push Up Challenge asks participants to complete 3,249 push ups or repetitive exercises over the course of 24 days, representative of the 3,249 lives lost to suicide in 2022.
On Tuesday 28 May, we commemorated the beginning of the Push Up Challenge by having the school leaders go on LIVE TV with Channel 10 News. During the event, Channel 10 News was filming a live crossover for the weather from the college. There was a conjunction with the Push-Up Challenge which is the organisation that is running the fundraiser across Australia; as school leaders, we participated in exercises such as push ups, sit ups and squats. Some of us also donned bright yellow t-shirts advertising the challenge, with the catchy tagline of #pushforbetter.
After the filming, we enjoyed a nice evening with all our friends, with a light dinner provided. It was very much a social event and I can certainly say that we had a lot of fun, knowing that our simple push ups were part of something so much bigger.”
You will be hearing a lot about the push up challenge and the connection to mental health now and over the next coming month - it's important if this brings up anything for you to reach out to middle school or wellbeing team.
The Push-Up Challenge lunchtime kick-off event
The Push-Up Challenge Kick-Off event was on the 7th of June at lunch time. It was fantastic to see so many students out on the hockey pitch completing their push ups. Here are some photos of from the day. The challenge ends on Friday 28 June.
FAAB Health Club (Female assigned at Birth Health Club)
The FAAB Health Club meets on the third Friday of the month to talk all things feminine hygiene and health. Students have been learning about Menstrual Feminine Hygiene products that are available at the school. We were able to hand out some free samples from U by Kotex after the experiment that was conducted in the previous lunchtime activity. It includes information about periods, free products and a discreet carry bag for all their products!
Here is the experience of one of our Year 8 Students!
"Today we had our second meeting! We experimented with period products and estimated how much each product would hold, we also each received our own period product bag that had pads and tampons inside of them for FREE! Every single meeting there will be snacks and sometimes drinks! Last meeting we had a talk about periods, what they are and how to deal with them. Next session we'll be having an activity involving play-doh!"
Our next Lunch time session will be on Friday 19 July, we look forward to seeing you all there!
Kirby Sens
Learning Specialist - Student Engagement Programs Leader