Parents and Friends Association  

Pasta Fundraiser 

The pasta fundraiser is back. Families will have a chance to order freshly made pasta and sauces, as well as ready made meals. The feedback last year was overwhelmingly "So delicious!!".  Keep an eye on newsfeeds at the beginning of  Term 3 to learn more. 


Save the date - Father's Day Breakfast 

Don't forget to put Friday 30 August in your diary for our annual Father's Day Breakfast. This event is not to be missed, a great opportunity to visit with your son and enjoy a most delicious breakfast.  Further details to follow.  If you are available to assist with this event the PFA would love to hear from you!

Theatre Parents Group

The Theatre Parents Group is another wonderful way to meet parents at Koonung. Earlier this year they ran a very successful Trivia Night, raising approximately $5000 for this year’s production of Shrek the Musical.


If you’d like to join the Koonung Theatre Parents they would love to hear from you – it takes a whole community to put on a musical, and there are many ways to get involved, ranging from sets and costumes to front of house and fundraising. Please contact for more information.


Second Hand Uniform Shop

The second hand uniform shop is open on Fridays from 2pm to 3:15pm


Good quality second hand uniform items for sale or donation are always gratefully received and can be left at the administration office. 


Volunteers are always welcome (even one hour a month helps!).  Send an email to:


Sophia Quek and May-Na Bee

Stay in contact with other parents through WhatsApp.

In the spirit of fostering community and connection, the following WhatsApp Groups have been updated and are available for parents to join their respective year level/(s) for 2024. If you would like to join, please click on the relevant link below. If you are already in your year level WhatsApp group/(s), then you don't need to do anything as this will simply move with you throughout your Koonung life. If you are not yet part of your child's year level group chat but would like to be, then this is for you!


2024 Year 7 Families


2024 Year 8 Parents


2024 Year 9 Parents


2024 Year 10 Parents


2024 Year 11 Parents


2024 Year 12 Parents


PFA News on WhatsApp

Keep up to date with PFA news and announcements by clicking this link


WeChat Community for Chinese Koonung Families

Stay connected with other Chinese families at Koonung by joining the WeChat group.  Please contact Peihoon Heng 0431615181 or her WeChat @Peihoon1, for the link to join the group.  


Become a Parent Representative for your year level!

The role of a Parent Representative needs no experience, just a willing spirit to facilitate parent connection in your student’s year level. You have the flexibility to organise coffee outings, dinners, a Sunday afternoon picnic or whatever you like doing! We generally recommend 2 representatives to support each other for your year level. The PFA will support and help facilitate any events you wish to organise. Please contact us via email to find out more!


PFA Meeting Dates 2024

Term 1       

Monday 4 March AGM & Ordinary Meeting

Monday 25 March

Term 2       

Monday 22 April                

Monday 3 June

Term 3       

Monday 5 August

Monday 2 September

Term 4       

Monday 7 October

Monday 25 November 

PFA contact details: