
Year 9 Product Design Technology Wood
Alex Smith has set himself a challenge in Wood Technology this semester with his Bookshelf design. The beauty of an open design brief is that students can set their difficulty level based on their skills and the function for the product they are designing. Alex was able to extend his learning in this task not only during the design stage for his working drawing but also in the practical stage. As you can see, Alex has been able to make his ideas come to life this semester!
“I am Alex Smith in Year 9 and in Wood Technology we are making shelves. I am making an ambitious and cooler trapezium shaped shelf. The downside to this design is I need to angle my cuts, so it fits together. This means it takes longer to make and I am a bit behind most of my classmates. When it is done it will look amazing, it will have 3 shelves getting smaller the higher they are, the bottom one will have 2 dividers separating it into thirds, the middle shelf will have 1 divider separating it into halves and the top one will have no dividers.”
Alex is almost finished his product, we will make sure to include a few photos of the finals in the next newsletter! Great work Alex!
Kirby Sens
Learning Specialist - Student Engagement Programs Leader
Woodwork Teacher
Technology Week
During Technology Week, students attended a Product Design & Technology activity during lunchtime. Students created a Wooden Triangle Peg Game. Students chose the number of rows of wooden pegs to include in their Peg game design. Using the tools of rulers, pencils, squares, and electric drills, and a drill press the students constructed their own Wooden Peg game during a lunchtime and took their game (along with a set of wooden golf pegs) with them to play against a friend.
Magdi Ghobrial
Domain Head - Technology
Chemistry and Digital Technology Teacher
Year 7 Digital Technology: Microbit Wearables for Sustainability
Our Year 7 students have been exploring sustainability through innovative wearable technology projects using the Microbit.
They worked on social, economic, and environmental themes, designing and building prototypes such as health monitors, fashion accessories, and weather stations. These projects have fostered teamwork, creativity, and a deep understanding of sustainability. We're proud of their hard work and look forward to their continued innovation!
Magdi Ghobrial
Domain Head - Technology
Chemistry and Digital Technology Teacher
Year 9 Wood
Year 8 Wood
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts/Technology Teacher
Visual Arts Domain PLC Leader