Every second Friday the STEM Club gets together for various science and maths related activities to learn and most importantly have fun!
So far this term the STEM Club has made oobleck, experimented with elephant toothpaste and built some popsicle stick bridges.
Bridge building was a very popular activity with everyone coming up with different ways to use their popsicle sticks and tape to build the strongest and most secure bridge. The winner’s bridge held more weight than the STEM captains attempt and they got to walk away with a fun little prize!
The STEM Club is always looking for new members from all year levels whether they want to come back every week or just one if an activity particularly stands out to them! We run every second Friday and will be continuing next term.
Our next club is on the last day of term (Friday 28 June) in room 20 where everyone will be getting to make (and of course play with) slime! We cannot wait to see everyone there and share our love for maths and science with them!
Chloe Cooper and Stav Siolis
2024 STEM Captains