5/6 News…

Lunch Time Reading
Our year 5/6 students will take any opportunity to read to the younger students at school. Last week as part of National Simultaneous Storytime our students got to share their love of reading with the rest of the school. The smiles say it all!
Creative Writing Workshop with Jacqueline Harvey
A select group of students were very lucky to be able to participate in an online workshop with Australian author, Jacqueline Harvey. Jacqueline is a million copy best selling author. Some of her series include Alice Miranda, Clementine Rose and Kensy and Max. She gave the students some tips and tricks on how to get those creative juices flowing to create an interesting story.
Here's some reflections from the year 5/6 students about the workshop:
I loved the Jacqueline Harvey writing workshop because Jacqueline taught us that in writing there is no wrong answer. She also said to us that you get a lot of ideas from when you are bored, so always have something next to you to jot down some notes. The Jacqueline Harvey workshop was so much fun!
By Jake
I personally really enjoyed the writing workshop and I have actually read some of the ‘Kensy and Max’ books! I learned some new ways to hook the reader and the description of a character ‘biography’ was very interesting and thorough. I also found the prompts that we were given to write short pieces very cool, and I think I have seen some of them when I went to the NGV before.
By Dinuo
The creative writing session with Jaqueline Harvey was really fun. We learnt great ways to develop characters, make interesting settings, and create a plot. My favourite part was probably the character development section. We got to write a prompt about this old man. It was really fun!
By Elroy
The workshop was really fun! We had it on the 23rd of May. Only certain students were picked. Jacqueline taught us about how to make our writing better and more engaging. We got taught a lot of creative writing skills.
She is the author of the Alice Miranda series. In this quality time we got to write short paragraphs from a prompt and decide what was happening in the scene.
The zoom was really fun and I truly enjoyed it. I will also try to put these things into my own writing.
By Annabelle
Last Thursday some of my peers and I were chosen to do a creative writing workshop with Jacqueline Harvey! I had so much fun and learned many tricks to help with my writing. My favourite part of the workshop was when we looked at a picture and had a certain amount of time to describe this picture. For instance, if it was an old house, we would have to say who lives in it, why is it so old and other things. This is definitely something that I would like to do again!
By Jasmine
The Creative writing workshop was amazing! I had so much fun learning new skills and ways to improve my writing. My favourite part was when she told us we had 3 minutes to write down as many crazy topics that we could use for our writing. I also loved when she explained how to get the readers attention and how to use character strengths. Overall I was very happy to be chosen to do this Creative writing workshop and hope to use these tips when writing.
By Bella
Visit to Donvale Preschool
What a treat it was to visit the friendly staff and kinder kids at Donvale preschool this week. Our year 5 students read a picture book to their new friends, and enjoyed playing in their beautiful outdoor area. For our students who attended this kinder, they enjoyed reminiscing about their favourite parts of kinder, and they were delighted to see one of their former kinder teachers there.
It was sad to say goodbye to our new friends and we look forward to seeing them again soon.