Sport: Biathlon
N.E Victorian Interschool Biathlon - Year 10 Boys Shoot Well @ Byawatha
Sport: Biathlon
N.E Victorian Interschool Biathlon - Year 10 Boys Shoot Well @ Byawatha
We had 4 adventurous Year 10 Boys compete at the North East Victorian Interschools Biathlon event last Friday 17th of May at the picturesque SSAA Wodonga shooting range inByawatha North.
Competing in the Senior Boys (Years 10-12) age group, the boys competed in 3 events on the day - Biathlon Relay (running & shooting), Laser Gun, and Shooting at a Target Over Distance. Overall our boys were the best performed government school, and best performed Wangaratta school, with only Catholic College Wodonga, Victory Lutheran College Wodonga, Trinity Anglican College Albury and The Scots School Albury outperforming them. An excellent effort considering they only had 1 or 2 training sessions beforehand.
Alec Armstrong and Skelly Manning finished 8th in the Biathlon Relay with a time of 8:02 minutes, narrowly missing a top 7 spot which would have put them in the Final. Elliott Rowles and Harry Hyland finished 11th (10:26 minutes).
In the Laser Gun event, the boys recorded the following scores out of 55: Alec Armstrong (43.1), Harry Hyland (38.7), Elliott Rowles (33.3) and Skelly Manning (32).
For the Paper Target Over Distance (scored out of 100), scores were Alec Armstrong (88), Elliott Rowles (87), Skelly Manning (78) and Harry Hyland (71), with Alec & Elliott only a few points behind the top scorers.
Well done boys on representing W.H.S so strongly. Special thank you to Alec who brought in a Laser Gun and offered training over a few Lunchtimes accompanied by Skelly. Big thank you to Sue Armstrong for taking the boys on the day.
Next year we hope to have more teams, both Junior (Yr7-9) & Senior (Yr10-12), with both Boys and Girls encouraged. If interested, speak to the boys.
Jud Mullins
Sports Coordinator