Alumni Spotlight

Kate Mosse (Class of 2012)
Current Role: Kate has been working as a Forensic Scientist (Biologist) for Victoria Police Forensics since 2018. She started off as a scientist in the DNA Analysis Unit lab and is now a Case Manager in Biology.
Favourite memory from my time at Koonung Secondary College?
‘Surf camp in Anglesea (Live Life in year 9)!‘
What are your job responsibilities?
‘As a Biology Case Manager, I am authorised to conduct and report on crime scene examinations, the biological examinations of exhibits and the interpretation and statistical analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) profiles in forensic casework. The results are compiled into a report or a statement, and if required I will give scientific and opinion evidence in court.’
What do you enjoy about your current position / profession?
‘Every case is different and every day at work is different!
I get to manage my caseload and how I work day-to-day. Having said that, priorities change, and unexpected things happen, so I enjoy that it keeps me on my toes.’
What is a professional highlight of your career, either where you currently work or in the past?
‘Previously: my Honours project was published as an article in the journal Forensic Science International (FSI) Genetics.
Currently: Becoming a court reporting Case Manager. It’s a huge achievement, that takes over a year and there are many assessments along the way.’
What advice do you have for Koonung students wanting to work in a similar role / industry?
‘It depends upon the discipline you’re interested in. There are two pathways into the Victoria Police Forensic Services Department.
The first pathway is via General Duties Policing and the second is through admission to the Victorian Public Service (VPS).
As a forensic staff member, you will specialise in one area or field. Through VPS, most scientific positions require an applicable undergraduate university degree (it doesn’t have to be a specific Forensic degree).’
What message would you like to give to your Year 12 self?
‘It sounds cliché, but to my Year 12 self and anyone in Years 11 & 12 now: don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what you want to do in the future. There are so many opportunities out there that will lead to more opportunities and eventually you’ll end up in the right place with a job you enjoy.’
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Nancy Manders
Koonung Secondary College
Alumni Program Coordinator
Koonung Secondary College’s Alumni Program is being developed in partnership with Ourschool,, a not-for-profit service that helps government secondary schools build thriving alumni networks to benefit current students and the school community.