Principal Report

NAPLAN Achievement
There has been much in the media recently regarding the achievement of students across Australia in the 2024 NAPLAN. Our view here at Koonung is that NAPLAN provides a one off 'snapshot' of the students' progress in the foundational skills of Literacy and Numeracy. We use the results to plan our program and to provide supports for all students- including students below, at and above expected standards. These supports include- in class support, small group withdrawal, and program support such as Quicksmart Literacy and Numeracy and our Maths High Ability Program (MHAP).
I am immensely proud of the achievements of our students in this year's NAPLAN, especially our state leading growth in Numeracy and exceptional growth in Reading for students in Year 9. With 43% of students achieving high growth in their Numeracy and 90% of students achieving either Strong or Exceeding in their NAPLAN numeracy, our students are setting themselves up very well for their futures- where we know that Numeracy is the language of STEM and the 21st Century. Our Reading and Writing results continue to be state leading with our students demonstrating exceptional growth and ensuring that they are ready to move from the Middle School into a wide range of pathways, subject choice and programs at the Senior School.
Our work in building the Literacy and Numeracy skills of every student is based around our use of Explicit Teaching. As part of our LETS LEARN Instructional Model, Koonung staff explicitly teach using the 'I do, We do, You do' (or Gradual Release model). This model is designed to build confidence through students being modelled explicitly the key knowledge and skills, before doing it themselves through guided practice with their teachers.
Koonung Day
What a great way to finish off a busy term! Every year we proudly celebrate Koonung Day as a day for our students, staff and community to connect and celebrate everything that is great about our school.
Koonung Day is such an exciting and unique day. It is unique in that not many schools allocate a whole day at school to celebrate the culture and connection of our school community here at Koonung- it is exciting because it is a day not like other days at school and it is an important day as we do have much to celebrate.
As you may be aware, Koonung Secondary College is celebrating its 60th Anniversary this year. In 1964, Koonung began in the grounds of what is now Mont Albert Primary school, before moving to this site in 1965 and establishing a legacy not only of 'Excellence through Endeavour', but also of being a school that is well known for and celebrates its strong connection to community.
Koonung Day is all about our community and the building of community. It was a day with events, activities, stalls, games and opportunities for students to get involved.
Wellbeing and Connection
Thank you to all parents and families for your support across this term of the multiple programs in place to support the well-being and connection of your children. This term saw the beginning of the Wellbeing and Connection Days in the Middle School (Years 7-9) as well as many other programs such as Mental Health First Aid Training for all Year 8 students, our Year 8 Leadership Training Day, the completion of the Raise Mentoring Program as well as Student leadership development programs.
60th Anniversary
Koonung has proudly served the suburbs of Box Hill, Box Hill North, Mont Albert, Mont Albert North, Balwyn and Balwyn North as well as Doncaster and all other surrounding suburbs since it first began as Box Hill North high school in 1964 - located in what is now Mont Albert Primary School.
On the 7th of December 1965, Koonung moved into our site here as it was known as Koonung High school, The college survived the school rationalisation of the 1990 to become Koonung Secondary College.
Through all those changes, Koonung has always been well known as a school that has both reflected and shaped its community. While much has changed in our community (you just need to look out the window of the middle Years block at school to see the new urban landscape in our area) Koonung remains true to its ideals and strengths- that of being a key part of our local community and ensuring that our local students are supported to achieve at their best
Our 60th Anniversary was about celebrating our community and the past students, staff and families of Koonung. Our story, that is the story of Koonung, over the past 60 years is really a product of all of the stories and narratives of past students and staff. The 60th anniversary was a fantastic day to catch up with old colleagues, friends and fellow students and share those stories. Thank you to the many people who contributed to make the day.
Year 12 update
As you may be aware, in 2023 Koonung introduced the Vocational Major VCE program as a pathway for our students. I am pleased to announce that this year we will have our first graduates of the new VCE VM Pathway. This pathway includes a focus on undertaking a VET program and with many students involved in Structured Workplace Learning and SBATs- School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Our Year 12 VCE VM students are just in the final stages of completing their program- both at school, at TAFE and on the worksite and will graduate onto both further study, apprenticeships and full-time work.
Our VCE program students have completed their final SACs and are now revising for the end of year exams. They will be in school over the holidays for practice exams and have 3 weeks of intensive revision and support before they begin their final exams at the end of October. On behalf of the whole College, we wish them all the best in their revision and the final exams.
Koonung Tours- Space Camp
Term 3 has been very busy with the return of College Tours. While I write this, we currently have 29 students and 4 staff at Space Camp USA. Our students are undertaking a two-week Space Camp in Alabama and Florida where they have been engaging in Science and Mathematics learning under very different conditions from the regular classroom.
There will be more from Space Camp in our next College newsletter.
Please also see the pages in this newsletter devoted to our Ski Camp and Central Australia Camp. Preparation for next years' trips are just getting underway, so please keep an eye out to Compass for messaging about next year's Tours (including a Japanese Exchange trip for our students).
Term 3 Events
It has been another busy term here at Koonung. It is vitally important that as a College we provide multiple opportunities for students to get involved in our College community. It is also vital that students take those opportunities as it builds connection to peers, staff and the wider community.
In addition to the Ski Trip, Central Tour and Space Camp, other events to get involved have included the Spring Music concerts, students volunteering at our 60th anniversary party, students representing the school in sport or athletics, Year 9 students at the Science and Engineering Challenge at Deakin University (where they had a top 5 finish in the state), our Interact group ran a trivia fundraising night, VHAP masterclasses, Year 12 Masterclasses and Connect revision sessions, all Year 8s involved in a Leadership Training day and Teen Mental Health First Aid training, and of course a large cast and crew involve themselves in a fantastic production of Shrek in front of multiple sell out shows.
Changes to Koonung Trail in October
With on-going works to the Eastern Freeway occurring, please note significant changes to the Koonung Trail for the next few months. Students (and other community members) who use the Koonung Trail need to be aware of major diversions to the path that will add travel time to their journeys.
Firstly, the trail will be closed between Sweyn Street and the Valda Wetlands on the Mont Albert North side of the freeway. A diversion will be in place for cyclists and pedestrians via Winfield Avenue.
Secondly, the Koonung Creek trail will be closed from Doncaster Road to the Stanton Street on the Doncaster side of the freeway. The diversion of the path will add significant time to the journey so please be aware of this change.
Finally, the Koonung Creek Trail will be closed between Elgar Road and Paul Avenue on the Box Hill North side of the freeway. Diversions to the trail will be through Morley Crescent, adding significant time to journeys.
There is no provided timeline for how long these works will take. Visit for schedule changes. For more information call 1800 105 105 or visit the Project Information Centre at 284 Doncaster Road, Balwyn North.
Study and Snack
A reminder that the College provides after school study support for all students in the Middle Years Centre every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm to 4pm. Staffed by members of the College's Well-being team, after school snacks are provided and support with completion of homework and study. This is in addition to the Monday afternoon Mathematics Homework Club held every Monday after school in the library. Both Study and Snack and Maths Homework club are on the Compass timetable for every student and are a great opportunity for students to develop routine around their study and revision program.
Box Hill North Primary visit
Well done to our Year 10 students for hosting the Year 3/4 students from Box Hill North PS for a basketball clinic this past week. Lots of fun was had by all and it was a great opportunity for our students to showcase their communication and organisation skills. This activity builds on the recent visit by our Year 11 Vocational Major students who engaged in Numeracy teaching activities with a Grade 5/6 class.
The College utilises social media to provide quick updates, interesting events, and lots of photos to our community. We have one official Facebook page and three Instagram pages for members of our community to follow.
The Koonung Secondary College alumni program utilises social media to stay connect with alumni.
Andrew McNeil