Parents and Friends Association

Parents (and friends) with a passion for Koonung
The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) at Koonung is a friendly group of parents, guardians and friends working together to support the school community.
We organise fun events, fundraisers and aim to help our school stay connected. The PFA needs more parents to suggest ideas and volunteer for events. Meetings are held in a hybrid setting each term, making it easy to join online or in person at school.
It’s all about creating enjoyable activities and fostering a sense of community. Join in and help make a difference! Please contact for more information.
What is the PFA and what is it for?
The PFA is basically a get-together for parents (and carers and friends) to share some suggestions around for how we can improve our children’s experience while they’re at Koonung. It could be anything from selling pasta (to raise funds to improve the look of the outdoor space) to throwing a silent disco or holding a film night (to raise funds for new science equipment).
We need more parents to make suggestions. We also need more parents to volunteer an hour or two for events like Mother’s or Father’s Day and the second-hand uniform or book sales so the events run smoothly, because they are not run by the school, but by parents for parents.
Did you know that the one-hour PFA meetings are now online each term? You can attend in your pyjamas while eating your dinner and no one will know, I promise. ;-)
If you’re worried you will get roped into something you don’t have time for, don’t worry, you won’t. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover that it’s not about running the school (that’s what the Principal does) or governing the running of the school (that’s what the College Council does), it’s actually about making fun things happen and meeting other parents in an informal way.
Koonung needs parents (like you and me)!!!
Our volunteers are our most valuable resources to provide our kids with some of the experiences and facilities that State funds do not cover. Koonung has approximately 1,200 students, which means we are a huge community of families. If we work together to achieve common goals, we can offer our children a richer school experience and teach them a valuable lesson about contributing to society.
The new start at high school is often when parents take that much-needed break. Sadly, it also means they don’t get involved in their kids’ new school community. The days of playground catch-ups with other parents are over. High school “just happens”, and we let our kids get on with it.
The newsletter, THIS newsletter, is great at keeping us informed of what’s coming up and what we missed, but it’s a passive way to be informed. It’s not the same as being involved or feeling proud of what we can achieve as a school community. And it definitely isn’t the same as leading by example.
If you’re new to the school, you probably don’t know that many of the school community-based activities and events for Koonung families and students are organised and run by a very small number of passionate parents, and many of them will be leaving the school in the next year or two.
How has the PFA contributed to our school?
Did you know that the PFA raised funds to create the new garden area at the entrance on Box Hill Crescent, and it worked with the school to improve the sports field by repairing the grass sprinklers, levelling the surface and re-seeding it over last summer. We also collaborated with the school to get a grant for the new shade sails on the side of the sports field to improve the students’ lunchtime experience.
All this was done by PARENTS with a PASSION to make things happen for our kids. An hour here, an hour there. It all adds up to a collaborative community of parents who want the best for our students.
But wait, there’s more! We have just allocated $20,000 for new outdoor seating
Please reach out if you want to be part of the working group or know suppliers who may be interested to provide a quote for these seats.
Be part of the Koonung parent community and lend us your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.
Please contact if you have any questions or feedback.
Thank you
On behalf of the PFA team
Our PFA continue to provide a great spread....
Congratulations to KSC celebrating its 60th Anniversary milestone on the weekend. It was such a fun day with many staff, students, alumni and guests enjoying the tours, displays and entertainment. Thank you to our PFA helpers who assisted with providing afternoon tea on the day.
I would also like to extend a very big thank you to all of the many wonderful volunteers who helped make the Koonung Father's Day a success. From coordinating the sign-up register and sending out numerous WhatsApp callouts, setting up the coffee station / room decorations / games, picking up the fresh bakery items bright and early Friday morning, contributing all the lovely platters of food, organising prizes for the raffle, helping serve on the day, and of course cleaning up too..... you all play a small part for a huge outcome and assist in building the wonderful culture at Koonung Secondary College.
I would especially like to thank David Winter at Bread Street, for yet another generous donation. Please feel free to visit the bakery and support their business at 22 Hamilton Street, Mont Albert.
There's still a few more events for the PFA to support in the coming weeks and next term. If you would like to connect or chat about the PFA community..... please feel free to give me a buzz anytime on 0403 434 868.
Kind regards
Andy Bee
On behalf of the PFA Committee
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The second hand uniform shop is open on Fridays from 2pm to 3:15pm
Good quality second hand uniform items for sale or donation are always gratefully received and can be left at the administration office.
Volunteers are always welcome (even one hour a month helps!). Send an email to:
Sophia Quek and May-Na Bee
Stay in contact with other parents through WhatsApp.
In the spirit of fostering community and connection, the following WhatsApp Groups have been updated and are available for parents to join their respective year level/(s) for 2024. If you would like to join, please click on the relevant link below. If you are already in your year level WhatsApp group/(s), then you don't need to do anything as this will simply move with you throughout your Koonung life. If you are not yet part of your child's year level group chat but would like to be, then this is for you!
2024 Year 7 Families
2024 Year 8 Parents
2024 Year 9 Parents
2024 Year 10 Parents
2024 Year 11 Parents
2024 Year 12 Parents
PFA News on WhatsApp
Keep up to date with PFA news and announcements by clicking this link
WeChat Community for Chinese Koonung Families
Stay connected with other Chinese families at Koonung by joining the WeChat group. Please contact Peihoon Heng 0431615181 or her WeChat @Peihoon1, for the link to join the group.
Become a Parent Representative for your year level!
The role of a Parent Representative needs no experience, just a willing spirit to facilitate parent connection in your student’s year level. You have the flexibility to organise coffee outings, dinners, a Sunday afternoon picnic or whatever you like doing! We generally recommend 2 representatives to support each other for your year level. The PFA will support and help facilitate any events you wish to organise. Please contact us via email to find out more!
PFA Meeting Dates 2024
Term 1
Monday 4 March AGM & Ordinary Meeting
Monday 25 March
Term 2
Monday 22 April
Monday 3 June
Term 3
Monday 5 August
Monday 2 September
Term 4
Monday 7 October
Monday 25 November
PFA contact details: