Visual Arts

Introducing WILHLEM PHILIPP Photographer
2024 KSC Artist in Schools ARTIST funded by Whitehorse City Council
Wilhelm Philipp is an international award winning photographer from Box Hill, Melbourne. His work documents the subjects of Australian suburbia with imagery and words. Through his lens, Wilhelm creates stories of the human condition, creating emotional, meaningful and thought-provoking bodies of work. A self-taught photographer, after graduating from Koonung in 2015, Wilhelm took the DIY route to establish his career, forging his own path in the industry and art scene in Melbourne and Australia. Wilhelm has worked with notable brands such as Adidas, Converse, Foot Locker, Hype DC, JD Sports, Nike and Puma.
At KSC we are very excited to have Wilhelm work with our Year 10 Photography students in a project titled, Faces of Koonung.
After completing a lengthy application with the support of Emma Crimmings and Wilhelm Philipp, I was successful in gaining a $8,500.00 grant to employ Wilhelm as a artistic photographer to support, teach and enlighten our students into photography. Council stated, “ Council is pleased to award funding towards this artist in schools project - 'Faces of Koonung'. An excellent proposal of high artistic merit that aligns well with the community grants objectives”.
Students will exhibit their final pieces in a Photography Exhibition at Box Hill Community Arts Centre. (Save the date: Friday 15 November 2024 - more information to follow).
Wilhelm’s latest body of work ‘I Wish We Knew These Were The Good Times When We Were In Them’ is a 5-year photographic project documenting Box Hill’s transition from leafy suburb to concrete city and the melting pot of characters that inhabit the land. This is Wilhelm’s largest work, featuring 40+ framed photographs and an accompanying 244 page photo book. The exhibition opens on September 14th (1-4 PM) at the Whitehorse Artspace in the Box Hill Town Hall. The series is open to the public until the 19th of October.
Artist Portrait: Photos:
Artist of the Week
Each week we celebrate the work of enthusiastic artists:
Kaitlyn Ong
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Ong of 7D who was selected as last weeks’ KSC Artist of the Week. Kaitlyn was nominated for Artist of the Week by class Art teacher, Ms McLellan. Kaitlyn completed this design work as part of her studies in Year 7 Art. The class assessment task was a 'Linocut Water theme'.
Please read what Kaitlyn has written to describe her art piece.
This piece of artwork depicts a cloudy night where a boat is lost in the vast ocean, trying to seek shelter. The lighthouse symbolises hope for the little boat as it slowly sails to safety.
VCE Art and Design Exhibition
We are delighted to invite the Koonung community to our annual VCE Art & Design Exhibition, where our talented Year 12 students will showcase their incredible work. Please check out the attached poster and be sure to save the date!
The official opening for the exhibition is on Tuesday 15 October. The exhibition will be available for viewing from Monday 14 October to Friday 18 October 2024.
Wilhelm Philipp (past student) exhibition at Box Hill Town Hall
Wilhelm Philipp is currently exhibiting his "I Wish We Knew These Were the Good Times When We Were In Them" at Box Hill Town Hall. The exhibition is open from 7 September to 19 October. Will is also conducting a free school holiday workshop, Photography with Wilhelm Philipp, on Tuesday 24 September at 11am.
Koonung is very fortunate to have Will currently working with students as part of the 'Artist in Schools Program". I encourage you to make some time in the holidays to view the exhibition.
Art design competitions
If you are interested in making a submission to either of the following competitions, please contact Ms Briffa.
Rotary Box Hill Burwood Whitehorse Art Show
Students from Years 10-12 are invited to participate in the 58th Rotary Annual Art Show in the Box Hill Town Hall from Thursday 24 October to Sunday 27 October.
North-Eastern Victoria Region Instrumental Music Program
Secondary government school students are invited to design the program cover of the 2025 NEVR Regional Youth Concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre.
The student whose design is chosen will win a $100 Officeworks voucher for themselves and a $100 Officeworks voucher for their school art department. A total of $200 in prize.
Artspace lunchtime activities
In recent weeks we have been very creative in Artspace:
Polystyrene printing moulds
This week in Art Space, participants created polystyrene printing moulds! Using a flat rectangle of polystyrene and a pen, we indented the patterns onto the surface to later use for printing. Designs were left completely up to the participants and a wonderful array was created!
The following week we used the moulds from the previous sessions to print the patterns onto paper! We made sure to use washable paint markers to first colour the moulds, then after applying water to the moulds with a sponge, pressed them against the page. After carefully applying pressure to the moulds, the prints came out beautifully on the page with vibrant colour!
Mosaic decorated frames
This time in Art Space, we used grout to solidify last week's frames decorated with mosaic tiles! First, we mixed the grout with grout activator until it reached a toothpaste consistency, and spread it across the frames to fill in the gaps between the tiles. We then taking a palette knife and a towel, the excess grout was scraped and dabbed off of the frames to reveal the shine of the mosaic tiles!
Candle making and macrame keychains
In Artspace this term we have done many activities including candle-making and macrame keychains. Students measured out different lengths of yarn and used wooden beads to weave their own keychain, creating tree designs in red, green and white. In candle-making, everyone created their own unique design using wax granules. Some students layered different colours, while others mixed the granules to create new colours, and were able to take home their completed candle. Artspace has been so much fun this term, and we hope to see more new faces in the future!
Estelle Lau and Romy Simpson
Arts Captains
If you are interested in a Arts path please see the opportunities that Heide Modern Musuem of Art provide through their volunteer program
- Information about volunteering at Heide:
48 Hour Film Festival - Geelong Waterfront Film
Over one fun filled weekend, entrants will complete and submit their short film. Friday night a prop, a location and a line of dialogue will be revealed to include in the film before the 48 hours begin!
WHEN: The weekend of October 11-13, 2024.
WHAT: Create a 4–7-minute short film in one weekend.
WHERE: To be shot in the greater Geelong, Bellarine and Surf Coast region. Please keep an eye on the @geelongwaterfrontfilm Instagram page for location inspiration.
HOW: Whether on professional equipment or your smartphone; you can write and plan your film in advance but production, editing and submission to occur over 48hours.
WHO: All ages and abilities, anyone with an interest in film, storytelling or content creation. We strongly encourage students to join, offering FREE entry for students up to year 12.
Sign up here:
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Visual Arts Domain PLC Leader