Maths Talent Quest

First held in 1982, the MTQ is an annual activity open to all primary and secondary students.  Students select their own investigation topic based on their personal learning interests and apply mathematics in context. They understand and discover how mathematics is used and found in the world around them, providing a positive experience that reduces the barriers to learning in mathematics. The focus is on the process of mathematical investigations. 


This year we have 63 enthusiastic students from Years 3-6 who will submit their investigations to the Mathematics Association of Victoria for judging. Most of the work is completed in their own time as well as spending one session per week with Mrs Vitas. 

These students are well under way with their investigations and have selected some exciting topics. We look forward to showcasing these investigations later in the year!


The Maths Talent Quest:

  • Promotes an interest in and increases the awareness of mathematics in real life.
  • Focuses on building the learning capability of students.
  • Facilitates the integration of learning outcomes across mathematics and across other curriculum areas within the Victorian Curriculum.
  • Develops student communication, collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking and other skills.
  • Encourages students to verify and justify the results of an investigation.
  • Creates avenues for extension for the more able students.
  • Allows all students to be rewarded for growth.
  • Caters for mixed ability teaching and a variety of learning styles and preferences.
  • Fosters positive attitudes towards mathematics amongst students, teachers and parents.