Specialist Classes

Visual Art
Bayside Schools Art Show – Thursday 27th June
Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 are working hard to complete their artworks for the upcoming Bayside Schools Art Show on Thursday 27th June. This is the first year our students will be displaying their work alongside local schools, hosted by Beaumaris Secondary College. All Beaumaris PS families are welcome to attend and view the amazing artworks on display! Each student in Years 4-8 across the schools will have an artwork on display. Speeches and awards will commence at 6pm, with one winner awarded from each year level. The art show will conclude at 7pm.
Prep & Year 1 Monster Collaboration with Beaumaris Secondary College
Earlier in Term 1, our Prep and Year 1 students were invited to enter an art collaboration with Beaumaris Secondary College. Each student was asked to create a monster drawing. From all the amazing entries, 30 monsters were selected to be transformed into a ceramic 3D monster.
The Year 7 and 8 students at Beaumaris Secondary College have been working hard on creating these monsters from clay and they will be ready for display and collection at the upcoming Bayside Schools Art Show (see above). Prep and Year 1 students whose monsters were selected in the competition are invited to attend and see their monster drawing in 3D form and take it home at the end of the night!
Please note: the parents of those students whose drawings were selected have also been contacted in a separate email and a note has been sent home with your child in their schoolbag’s 'seagull pocket'.
Young People of Bayside – Art Exhibition 2024
Students are invited to submit an artwork into the 2024 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition “How I See the World”, hosted by the Bayside City Council. This is an excellent opportunity for those budding artists who might like to share their artworks with the wider community. Submissions are open to people aged between 10-25 with a connection to Bayside. Artwork registration closes Monday 8th July. To find out more please visit www.bayside.vic.gov.au/youthart Please note: this is an external exhibition and not connected to lessons at Beaumaris Primary School. All artworks must be created and submitted at home/outside of school hours.