College News

Well Done Anna and Shirine


We Keep in our Prayers....




On Thursday 30th May, Year 10 participated in the Work Readiness Program, delivered by COMPACT. There were five sessions, which focused on WH&S, interview skills, social media and the workplace, employee responsibility and key employee skills, which employers have identified they are looking for in future employees. The feedback provided was extremely positive, particularly the relevance to the year group, who have either undertaken some work experience or are looking to undertake work experience. The program also connected with the Term 1 unit for PDH/PE, complimenting what they completed in their first assessment. Year 10 are to be congratulated on their positive participation throughout the entire day.


Student Device Damage

This term has seen an increase in damaged laptops being presented to the IT Department. In most cases, these have been due to avoidable incidents where students are not taking care of where laptops are placed, or bags are being thrown around. 


A Chromebook cracked LCD for example is not covered under the manufacturer's warranty and costs $200 for the repair.


This can be avoided with more care and respect for the equipment. 

We ask parents to reinforce this with the students and ensure that they are meeting the requirements of their signed user agreements which includes ensuring they look after their devices. 

Micheal Crosato

IT Manager

Year 10 Drama - With Ms Calabria

Year 10 Drama having some fun learning about Melodrama in class today